forest of pain

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The five of you rode together, anytime a titan would appear you'd take turns in pairs to handle them

You and reiner

Jean and christa

The others wouldn't let Armin fight as he had been injured alot worse then anyone else fighting the female titan

(Y/n): how are they getting in so much what's the right wing doing!

You landed back on the horse you and reiner were sharing your blades steamed from titan blood as it faded away

Reiner: you don't know

(Y/n): know what?

Armin: the right wing was nearly wiped out, a army of titans jumped them

(Y/n): don't tell me, that's where the female titan came from

Jean: yeah Armin thinks she led them like some sorta general

(Y/n): if the right wing is so destroyed doesn't that ruin this entire strategy why haven't we turned back

Reiner: no idea but commander Erwin must have a plan

(Y/n): what could be so important he'd risk even more death

Jean: it could be Eren I hear they plan to kill him if this expedition fails

Armin: no that doesn't sound right

Reiner: we can think about it later once we're off duty and safe back at HQ

(Y/n): Reiner I wonder how you can be so duty bound sometimes doesn't it upset you all this death

Reiner: of course it does but it's not my job to argue with the higher ups once I get to that position sure I'll bite their ears of arguing till then just follow orders

(Y/n): fine I just hope we come to a break soon I'm starting to run out of energy to give to these damm titans

Christa: I can take your shift if you want to take a break

(Y/n): and have you spend twice as much energy are you crazy

Christa: I'll be fine

Armin: christa no this strategy works so that you guys won't run out of gas as quickly if you take (y/n)s turn your gas will deplete twice as fast

Jean: and we got not way to resupply till we catch up with the center row

Reiner: meaning (y/n) just has to grow up and keep fighting

(Y/n): hey I already refused her offer never once said I'd stop tearing the ugly fucks down

Jean: you happy now Reiner that proves (y/n) is back to normal 

(Y/n): what?

Christa: Reiner was worried you were still acting weird after we found you

(Y/n): so what all that was just a test

Christa: no I would have actually taken your turn if you agreed but other then that yes

Reiner: sorry I just needed to make sure

(Y/n): I'm gonna hit you later

Jean: why not right now?

(Y/n): cause I'm gonna hit him hard can't do that while sharing a horse

Continuing to ride you all waited and hoped to see the order to fall back

It never came only orders to change direction and continue forward

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