a painful meeting

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  (It's been 2 days since the wall fell)

You awoke to the first rays of sunlight in the sky you've never woken up this early before except on the the first proper day here you learned you absolutely need to get up early or all the good rations get taken.

Looking around you begin trying to pick a path through the floor of sleeping body's

Having finally noticed a path between the people you stand up and try to dust off your shirt, which was covered in dirt and sweat and hopefully nothing else but it did nothing noticeable you had been wearing the same clothing since the Garrison soldier had left you here.

(Flash back to when you arrived)

Garrison soldier: (wheeze) alright it looks like the MPs are escorting the refugees to the center of trost

The soldier points at a giant grey building that looks like the same one back in shiganshina these building always made you think of castles though you had never seen a real castle to know for sure.

(Y/n): won't it be to crowded with all these people

G soldier: I'm sure the MPs will sort something out I mean you had to be top 10 of your class to become one they must have some skill

(Y/n): ok sir

G soldier: Sir? Oh right I never told you my name I am Ramond

You couldn't care less what his name was being near him revolted you if only he hadn't stopped you, your mother would still be alive

(Y/n) inner voice: no she wouldn't you idiot if Ramond hadn't you would have been crushed just the same way as her only difference would have been how big the blood stain was

You sigh knowing whatever that voice was it was right but that doesn't mean you had to be happy about it.

Ramond: ok let's get you settled in

And with that Ramond began making the horse go down the street with everyone else.

??:HALT! we can't have horses entering the grounds were stuffed as it is we will need you to dismount before entry

Ramond: that's fine I wasn't planning to enter anyway I just need to make sure this kid is safe

You look to where the voice Ramond is talking to is and see a male MP with a clip board

MP: (sigh) fine give him here and I'll handle the rest you should get going I hear commander pixis is calling all forces under his command to meet him on top of the wall

Ramond's eyes widen at this news and picks you up out of the saddle and places you next the MP

Ramond: alright kid I got to go you be safe

At this he begins turning his horse back the way you came and begins galloping off

(Y/n): it's (y/n) not kid!

Before Raymond's horse vanished you see him turn around in the saddle and smile

Ramond:got it!

With those last words he was gone and the MP began pulling you into the fort.

                (End of flashback)

Coming back to reality you begin trying to make your way outside through the few pieces of open ground that you could find

After 5 minutes of a excruciating slow pace between the hundreds of sleeping forms you finally make it about half way.

You carefully put your foot between the armpit of a blonde boy while your other leg moves over a fin black haired boy you feel your shoe begin to slip and fall luckily it didn't hit anyone

Love among hate (Attack on Titan Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora