Niall’s POV

I can picture in my mind what it would look like to have a date with her, spending the day doing the little charitable things that she likes so much. We’d bring smiles to peoples’ faces, be sure to find some time to horse around, and go home feeling satisfied that we’d done some good.  I would like very much to do that with her, but I just know it isn’t possible. It would be more a huge production than a random act of kindness.  This thing we’ve got going, whatever it is…if it grows into something more, I just hope it doesn’t affect her ability to live this way, to do the things that make her whole.

I’d had this conversation with myself before. I’ve watched the others try to manage relationships, seen how our lifestyles affect the girls they date. I’ve been operating under the ‘keep it casual’ mantra since the beginning. Sure, there have been special girls along the way, but it just gets so complicated. I looked at Roxy, sipping her tea.  What am I setting her up for?

I push the thoughts from my mind and lay my head in her lap, not wanting to let the simple times slip by.  We sit in silence, with full bellies, taking in the scenery. There are a group of people doing yoga in the park, various shades of neon bending and stretching. There is a mother walking quickly with a stroller, her iPod in her ears. An old man reads the paper on a bench, a bunch of birds gathered at his feet. Roxy runs her fingers through my hair, and I close my eyes. Her touch feels so good, so soothing. She grazes my scalp with her fingernails, and I roll my head in her lap, giving her full access.

Every so often, her fingertip touches the top of my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I open my eyes to find her avoiding my gaze.  I had a feeling she was up to no good. I turned in her lap to hide my face, which I could feel was growing flush. I liked the spicy side of Roxy that I was getting a bit of a taste of today. I wanted more.

I took my hand from the cool grass, and tickled the tops of her knees. I noticed a small grouping of freckles on her thigh, and I traced the path between them with my finger. Before long, I noticed the tell-tale tiny nubs appear at the surface of her skin, and I knew I was giving her the same shivers she’d been giving to me. I turned back to see her face, and laid there a moment in her eyes. I was silently begging her to give me a cue, but she just continued with her fingers in my hair.

The park was getting more traffic now, so I stood up and collected our rubbish, and threw it in the green bin near the sidewalk. She stood too, and dusted herself off. She slipped her hand in mine, as we headed back for the hotel.

Roxy’s POV

Not sure what’s come over me today, but I’ve been pushing his buttons, and it’s fun. Unfortunately, I’ve gotten myself mixed up in it as well, and couldn’t put the thought of his hands on me out of my mind. The doors closed on the elevator, and I turned to face him. “I have this rule, about elevators.” I said, my hands at his hips. “If you ever find yourself alone in one with someone you fancy, you have to steal a kiss.”

I rose on my toes to meet his lips sweetly. As the floors pinged by, the kiss grew deeper, and it became clear that it wasn’t just one of us making that happen. His hands slipped through my hair and gripped the back of my neck, pulling me closer. The doors opened and we separated, stepping back into the real world. He took my hand and pulled me down the hall toward my room. “This game ends now.” He said, and I felt a wave of energy rush outward in my body, toward my fingers and toes.

I fumbled with the keycard. It wasn’t on purpose at first, but I could see the frustration on his face, which made me milk it for a couple of swipes, the little red light on the door handle taunting us. He reached for the card and I held it over my head, as if he couldn’t reach it there. He brought my hand down in front of his face and plucked the card from my fingers, and ran it through the reader smoothly, the light flashing a glorious green.

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