S0 Yami: Thanks multiple times

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You were heading home alone one night. Someone grabbed you from behind, and you whirled around to face the barrel of a gun. A large hand stifled your scream. "Take out everything you have on you," the burly man said. You were never more scared in your life.

You heard footsteps from behind the criminal. "Hey! Watch your step man, or the girl gets it!" Tears streamed down your cheeks as you prayed whoever it was took the criminal's advice.

"I suggest you let her go." The second man's voice was whispery and reverberated through the alley. "Ready to play a game?" The voice asked. Then all went dark.


You awoke screaming. A voice above your head told you to shush. "You're okay now."

You almost screamed again when you caught a glimpse of your rescuer. He isn't very big, shorter than you in fact, but probably a year or two older. His hair stuck up sort of in the shape of a firework, with bangs that looked like lightning bolts. The shocking part was that his eyes were shining fire and he was covered in blood. "Don't worry, it's not mine."

"B-but you're covered in blood!" You shakily stand up. "Let me help you to my house."

"I could tell you I'm going to be the one helping you."


"How did this happen?" You asked the stranger as he washed his face with a towel. You were relieved to be back in your living room, even if you were also attempting to scrub the bloodstains out of a jacket.

"The tainted wolves that prey upon the sheep of the field find their comeuppance in me. Maybe the lambs shouldn't be exposed to as much, perhaps such tainted thoughts wouldn't poison their wool with red."

"Um..." You decided to change the subject. "What's your name?"

He looked at you, eyes no longer blazing. "You might remember me as Yugi Motou, but that is not my name."

"Okay..." You stood up. "Can I get you something-ah!" You trip on a fold in the carpet. Yugi caught you before you hit the floor.

"I need to leave. Try not to hurt yourself without me here." He barely smiled, but you were sure he was joking.

Your face turned bright red. "W-well, thanks for saving me, anyway... multiple times..."

"No problem. Try not to let it happen again." You gave Yugi his jacket - you were able to get out most of the blood. "Until we meet again." He left.

You watched him disappear into the night and wondered if you would ever meet again.


Season 0 Yami, for @brofist666 . Hope you like it! :P so it's not totally up to par, but it's longer! 😀

Yugioh Boys X Reader One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora