A changing tide.

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With the plan in place Ghost accompanied Kaldur and Tigress to the meeting between the light and the reach. Ghost was to help Kaldur and Tigress run the security detail.

They entered after the select few light members had already entered. It was a decent sized cave under Santa Prisca. Everyone got into their place.

"As head of security for the reach I insist, no masks be worn at the summit." Black beetle stated and everyone of the light who was wearing a mask removed it. Including Ghost. She had put on her standard makeup underneath her helmet though, and didn't quite look her normal self. A mask under a mask if you will. Although she wanted to point out that black beetle still wore his mask.

The reach ambassador decided he was more important than those of the light that had called this summit. He inquired of the other members of the light, but it was in the lights best interest to not have everyone there. After all some of their members would be noticed missing by the public had they attended.

Kaldur stepped forward to answer the ambassadors question when black beetle interrupted him. Savage of all people stood up for Kaldur. Something Ghost thought was interesting. She resisted the urge to open a pocket to hear out what the others had to say.

Kaldur moved closer to the reach to talk. The scientist started talking and a small disagreement to go back and forth between the light and the reach.

Black manta and Black beetle started arguing. It was only when beetle actually hit manta did the two assassins attack, Tigress and Deathstroke. They were doing well, unfortunately the other reach troops started firing at the light members. One of which had aimed at Ra's Al Ghul. Tigress took the hit.

Ghost opened a large pocket to absorb the rest of the fire. Manta and Beetle started to fight again before Kaldur stepped in the middle of it, diverting their attention back to the league. Ghost dropped the pocket in order to let both sides talk. Discretely wiping the blood from her nose. Her ability to pocket seemed to be draining more energy nowadays.

Ra's unfortunately noticed the glamour charm Artemis wore and removed it in front of everyone.

Beetle was amused by this. Having figured out Kaldur duped the light. The ambassador gave an order to kill them.

"I will not let you kill my son."

"He's right." Deathstroke said and shot both Kaldur and Artemis. "The light takes care of its own."

The deadman's switch was released from Kaldurs hand. A hologram showed up and Kaldur released the information he had gathered.

Ghost watched carefully as the two sides bickered. Information was revealed about the war world and that's when Kaldur, Artemis and Megan let their ruse be known.

"We value our true friends, and unlike you we are not short on them." Some of the team entered the cave.

"We'll played, well planned. But the light always has contingencies." Savage stated, not bothered by the blade at his chest. The brain activated defenses, sealing all entrances and opening the roof. Shadows entered the cave surrounding the young heroes.

Interested, Ghost wasn't included in their round up.

"They're underestimated." Ghost muttered to herself. She looked around and watched as beetle stabbed Ra's through the back after Savage and Klarion used a portal to escape.

Ghost pulled on her helmet and gained the attention of Black Beetle. He poses the biggest threat to the young heroes.

She used her pockets to distract and disable some of his attacks. But somehow ended up with a blade through her stomach. He disengaged and went to attack wonder girl and Superboy.

She fell into a small body of water, holding her side as it bled. The injury wasn't as bad as it could have been, thankfully she used a pocket within herself to cut off the blades path. It only went about halfway in. Still bad though. As she assessed her injury the sounds of fighting stopped.

"Ghost?" She could hear her name being called but couldn't respond loud enough for anyone but Superboy to hear. Blue beetle found her first.

"She's over here!" He noticed the blood coming from her stomach. "I don't know how to help." He said as he crouched down to look her over.

"Your scarab on?" He looked at her confused but nodded. "I'll need your host to cauterize the wound. You can make the same shape of blade as black beetle."

"I'm not stabbing you!" Blue insisted. Others had arrived, but Ghost wasn't deterred.

"It's the only way. Please. I can stop the blade like I had done with black beetles, but the injury will only continue to bleed if it is not sealed." She pulled open her jacket, only having a sports bra on under to lessen the restriction more clothing would add. "You can close your eyes and let the scarab do it if that'll help."

"Ghost? What happened?" Kaldur asked as he hopped down to better help. Blue did as he was asked and let the scarab stab the villain to cauterize the wound.

She hissed at the pain but tried not to move or lose concentration on the pocket inside. Blue beetle pulled the blade out and opened his eyes.

"It was black beetle. I didn't want you getting hurt." Kaldur shook his head.

"You aren't under orders."

"I know. But my life has been forfeit for a while now. I'm expendable, none of you are."

"You know that isn't true. We value you as one of us." Conner said as he looked at her from his place on top a rock.

"Forgive me, but isn't she a bad guy?" Beast boy asked. Many of the younger generation of heroes were confused by Kaldur and Conners actions to someone they all know as a villain.

"She was not given a choice. It was this or the death of the people she holds dear. But I imagine that the light is more than distracted with other matters than the whereabouts of their little ghost." She laughed at this and asked for a hand up. Kaldur complied and helped her to her feet. Now all the heroes could see her. Only one widened his eyes though.

Nightwing had recognized one of her many scars, one just under her rib cage. Megan pulled Jess into a hug and held her close.

"I'm so sorry. We need to get you some bandages and maybe a new top." She was loud enough for the crowd to hear but leaned in closer. 'Most of the original team knows about Jason and how you tried to help. The younger kids didn't know him as well as we had. I hope you don't mind.' She transmitted telepathically. Jess held her back just as tightly.

"I'm just glad I'm alive." Megan laughed at this.

The young justice team and Ghost all left Santa Prisca. Artemis, Conner, and Megan chatting with Ghost the entire way back while Nightwing slowly stewed in his thoughts.

"Ghost has been incredibly selfless. Perhaps we should invite her to be a part of the team." Kaldur stated putting a hand on Nightwings shoulder.

"It's more than that Kaldur. She's Jessica. She's the girl I grew up with before becoming Robin. The one I've needed to apologize to for a long time."

"She would not blame you."

"I know that." Nightwing looked down at his lap. "She'll blame herself and I don't want that for her."

"Just talk to her. I am sure she will understand."

The team all split their different ways, unfortunately that meant that Kaldur and Nightwing went to the watch tower to discuss league matters. Jess went with Artemis and Wally to get a new outfit after stopping by the warehouse for some bandages. After getting changed into a non bloodied shirt she thanked the heroes.

"You do your thing. You've been separated for a while. I'm gonna go find mama. She needs to know I'm still alive." Jess opened a pocket. "I'll be back if there's trouble."

The night was peaceful, but Jess still had the sinking feeling in her gut. Something was still wrong.

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