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Caley? Sorry I was trying to get in contact with someone else.

-Emergency Contact-
That's okay. It happens to the best of us. Once when a friend of mine got a new number this weirdo started texting her. And you know like four years later they're married. Not saying that'll happen to the two of us. I'm kinda crushing on this cute boy, and I'm sure you have a boo. :P

I don't have a boo? Whatever that is but I'm still looking for someone. Thank you though.

-Emergency Contact-
No probs. *.* also if you need help finding someone I can maybe lend a hand. I'm pretty good with computers but I have a brother in law enforcement. I could ask him for you.

Um, thanks. But I don't think it'll do any good. I don't know her name, only that she went by Jester. Sorry.

-Emergency Contact-
Hmm. A tough one. My brother loves puzzles, I'm sure he'd like to try and put this one together. What's she look like do you know?

I really shouldn't involve civilians, but since you insist. She's got orange hair and green eyes. A bit on the thinner side of things unless she's put on a bit of weight. I'd doubt it though. And she's got scars from an abusive household.

-Emergency Contact-
Any particular reason you're trying to find this Jester?

She was a good friend until I ruined it. I haven't spoken to her in a while. She was always better at info gathering than I ever was. I could really use a friend at the moment.

-Emergency Contact-
I can be a fill in friend, I won't replace. But if you need to just vent you to can always hit me up. *.~

I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.

-Emergency Contact-
So... can I have your name? I kinda straight out told you mine.


-Emergency Contact-
Just Conner? I guess I only told you my first name. It's fair this way then. *.~ By the way you didn't elaborate on this Jester character. How long were you friends?

About a year. She was always just out of reach for me to help though.

-Emergency Contact-
How long have you been apart?

Five years.

-Emergency Contact-
Isn't that a long time to go without contacting someone?

Ghost watched her phone for a bit with a frown. Guess the comment hit harder than she thought. She wandered around the sub for a bit as she waited for a response.

'Wonder when he'll tell me Jester is dead.' She thought as she glanced at her reflection.  'I've changed a bit in these past five years.' She shook her head to get the thoughts away. She put on her helmet and wandered to the cells they had on ship.

An unruly sounding prisoner could be heard even outside the cell bay. She entered and glanced at the guards then their captive. Lagoon Boy if she recalled correctly.

"What do you want, ocean scum?" Lagoon boy asked with a glare. She couldn't help but be amused.

"Inquiring." She stated taking a step closer. Lagoon Boy only glared. She tilted her head up to show her neck. "No gills. Your insult is inaccurate."

"You're a land breather. Why are you here?" His glare turned to confusion.

"Safety. I should be dead." She took another step closer, close enough to where if he wanted to he could grab her to threaten.

"You work for Manta, how is that safe?"

"I'm being hunted. No one would look for me underwater. I can't swim." She watched his confusion unfold.

"You'll die if something happens to this ship." She huffed a small laugh.

"I wouldn't be missed. Death would be a mercy. I won't die under the ocean though. I can escape." His eyes narrowed.

"Who are you?"

"Ghost. You are needed by Manta." One of the guards interrupted. She nodded once.

"That'll be me. I'll see about you later. If I can I'll talk Manta out of killing you." He narrowed his eyes. "I do apologize for your capture."

"Take off your helmet." He said as she went to turn away.

"I'll not let you take my identity back to the Martian. It's better if they think I'm dead." She turned and left the room, leaving the poor kid even more confused than before.

"Neptune's beard." He cursed lowly. He stared at the door with narrowed eyes. 'I'll have to talk to the team about this. She knows Megan, and says it's better if they think she's dead. Is she an old teammate or someone else they knew?' So many questions.

The doors opened again and a scowl painted itself on Lagoon Boy's face.

"How can you stand to look in the mirror? Atlantis? King Orin? The team? You betrayed us all. Neptune's beard, I can't believe I once idolized you!" He was starting to get angry.

The doors opened with Black manta and Ghost walking in.

"Why is this prisoner still aboard? He should be delivered at once to our partner. Prepare a pod."

"I will handle it personally father." Kaldur stated.

"Negative. I have other duty's for you my son."

"You're not his son!" Ghost subtly shook her head. The dna match confirms that black manta is indeed half of Kaldur. "You're his errand boy."

"I am aware of my role in the larger picture Lagaan." Ghost glanced to the others in the room. Clearly not getting the double meaning behind the words. "Are you?" With that Kaldur tranqued Lagoon boy and they set him up in a pod.

"Kaldurahm, you should know that my faith in you is absolute. But others require further proof of loyalty."

"You have my word father. I will do whatever it takes to enter the light."

"Excellent. Ghost has the mission summary and can get you all the items needed to complete your task. I expect you won't disappoint."

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