She stood up and made her way out of the room, leaving Yelena to rifle through the kitchen cupboards. "If you find the cat let me know!" The blonde yelled over her shoulder.

"He has a name!" Natasha shouted back as she got further away. Yelena said something in response, but Nat was too far away and frankly she didn't care enough to go back and listen.

She climbed the stairs to the next floor and gently pushed open her bedroom door, not wanting to startle Y/N awake. The room was dark, so Nat carefully opened the curtains a fraction to let the smaller bit of light in.

Y/N was curled up in the middle of Nat's bed, huge pillows surrounding her so she wouldn't roll off and injure herself. Nat awed at the sight and moved closer to see her baby.

Y/N always slept curled up, ever since she was out of a swaddle. But as Nat walked closer, she saw that this nap time wasn't just for Y/N. In-between her tiny arms was a bundle of black fur. Nat smiled so hard at the sight of both her babies sleeping together.

Liho wasn't the friendliest cat. He was quite wary of strangers and didn't like to be picked up by anyone other than Nat or Yelena. But he'd become oddly attached to the little 2 year old, following her around wherever she went, which Y/N adored. She would give him cuddles as much as Nat allowed her to.

But this was the first time Nat had seen them asleep together. Liho was quite big, and his long body wasn't much smaller than Y/N's when he was stretched out. So the toddler had her arms wrapped around him, her face gently resting on his fur, her pacifier slowly bobbing in her mouth.

Nat pulled out her phone and took some photos of this adorable moment, wanting to capture it forever. She set the photo as her lock screen before setting her phone down again.

Brushing the hair out of Y/N's face, Nat took a seat on the bed and gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek.

"Y/N" she whispered softly in a sing-song voice. "It's time to wake up baby." Her statement was met with a whine from the 2 year old, who snuggled her face back into the cat's fur. "Come on monkey, wake up." Y/N whined again, her hand coming up to rub her eyes.

Nat took this opportunity to lift Y/N out of her pillow prison, leaving Liho on the bed much to Y/N's protest. "No, kitty!" She whined around her paci, extending her arms out in a grabbing motion as her cat left her reach. But she was still half asleep so her attempts were feeble.

"You can come back and see him in a minute bubs. We just need to change your diaper don't we, hm?" Y/N's tired expression suddenly snapped to a pout, her little eyebrows creasing as she 'glared' at Nat. "Hey, grumpy butt, don't give me that. It will take 2 minutes I promise." There was no point in saying that though. How was Y/N supposed to know what 2 minutes was?

Seeing her daughter's eyes droop closed, Nat took the opportunity to change her quickly, swapping out her sleeping onesie for a cooler romper. The novelty of how small Y/N's clothes were never quite wore off for Nat, who'd spent her whole life knowing she could never have kids. Yes, she did cry when she bought Y/N's first pair of shoes.

Once the 2 year old was successfully dressed, Nat took her place on the bed, moving the pillows so they had more room. Y/N was still half asleep, her tiny fingers loosely gripping Nat's shirt. But Nat knew she couldn't let Y/N sleep again otherwise she would be a nightmare when it came to bedtime.

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