It was around 3 pm now, which means that the boys were at their lowest. All they wanted was to sit down and watch something since they had been running like crazy in the mall. So when they arrived both of them just went to the couch and sat down immediately, asking Lana if it was alright to turn on a show to watch. 

"Let's ask your daddy about that.", she said, going upstairs to find not only Sean but also Bex with Bailey in Amélies room, just finishing up decorating it with some Christmas stuff. The little girl was sitting next to Amélie on the floor, going through some books with her friend. The two of them really loved each other, especially since they were only days apart in age, which meant that they are literally growing up with each other. 

"Heyyyy!", Lana squeaked when she saw them. "I didn't see your car?!? What are you doing here?", She laughed and hugged Bex tightly. 

"Marc was driving us. We moved into our apartment just two days ago and I just needed to see you guys because I missed you.", she confessed and squeezed Lana a bit tighter. "So Bailey and I decided to pay you a visit whilst Marc and Milo are at a soft play.", she grinned. 

"That's awesome. Hey Bailey.", Lana said, bending down to the little girl that was looking at her with big eyes, not really sure if she knew that woman in front of her or not. "I haven't seen you for ages.", she confessed, letting her fingers softly guide over her head. 

"Yeah, that's true. It's so fun to see the girls together. How big they are already. Well, Amélie actually looks older with all her hair.", Bex laughed. "You could definitely style those out, guys. But the bow on her looks cute as well.", Bex grinned. "Tanya loved putting bows on her, right?", She asked when she remembered and Sean just nodded with a grin. He loved that Lana was picking up the little tradition that his wife started, letting Amélie wear headbands and bows most of the days with a matching outfit. 

"Oh yeah before I forget… can the boys just watch some TV? They are knackered after our little adventure.", Lana said, looking at Sean. 

"You know you don't have to ask me for that. You can decide as well.", he chuckled since he knew that Lana was still not too comfortable taking over sometimes, asking Sean for his approval. 

"It's just…", she sighed. "I don't want you to think that I am deciding all alone… since… you know… they are not my biological children.", she confessed. 

"biological or not, Lana. It's okay. don't have to ask me for things like these.", he said. "I will go and turn it on for them and ask how it was with Santa.", he grinned, before giving her a kiss on the cheek and leaving the room. 

Rebecca had watched the scene in silence, observing her two friends with a smile on her face. 

"You guys are pretty adorable…", she said. "Honestly… I am so happy for you. Both of you are like… glowing. Love suits you.", Bex grinned, whilst Lana was mirroring her expression. 

"It's like a dream. You have no idea.", the black-haired woman laughed, sitting down on the little sofa that Amélie had in her nursery. Bex followed her, letting out a relaxing groan whilst sinking down. 

"Mama, milk!", Bailey said straight away grabbing Rebecca's legs for her mommy to pick her up. Since Bex was still nursing her, the baby saw her basically like a walking bar with lots of drinks for herself.

"It's after three isn't it?", Bex asked, looking down at Lana's watch. "She always wants to have a little drink around that time. I am trying to stop nursing her but it's just too precious since it's like bonding time every day. Milo gets really jealous, I can tell you.", Bex confessed, ripping her eyes open whilst telling her that. 

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