"Cool," he said. My other brothers all nodded in agreement, and there was a murmur of "very nice".

Logan picked it up and inspected it, then put it back down in front of me.

"Where's my present?" he asked.

Jack raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know you wanted one, Logan."

"Everyone wants a present," he said, grinning. "Can tell who your favorite sibling is."

He sounded grumpy, but the smile on his face, and the fact that Jack doesn't seem to be taking him seriously, makes me think Logan is joking around, more of this sibling banter stuff that I don't fully understand yet. But I do my best to play along too.

"I'm the best!" I declared. "I'm the cutest, the sweetest..."

"The most annoying," Logan interrupted. "Did you tell Jack about the trouble you got into while he was away?"

I frowned. This was not going to plan. I grabbed my snow globe and held it tight, inspecting it, trying to pretend I didn't have any brothers.

"She got kicked out of class on Monday," Logan announced loudly. "Then she hid under your bed and Rocco spent ages searching for her. Then last night she tried to run away."

I felt my face heating up with embarrassment. Why was Logan saying all this? Why wasn't someone telling him to shut up?

"And she even had the gall to complain about double standards!" he continued. "I'll tell you about double standards: the last time I snuck out of the house I got grounded. She got some super-syrupy hot chocolate concoction Damon made and snuggled with Alex and Nick all night. Damon's never made me a hot chocolate."

"You had a whiskey, just like you wanted," Damon pointed out. "Don't try and make out you're neglected and hard done-by. We take very good care of you and you know it." Damon sounded stern, but amusement laced his tone.

"Yeah, if I abide by your rules."

"Everyone here abides by my rules. But you get well taken care of, regardless. Even if you get in trouble, you'll still be taken care of."

"But Carrie didn't get in trouble, that's my point."

"Carrie didn't sneak out, Paul caught her in the yard," Nick pointed out.

"So because she sucks at sneaking out, she got rewarded, but because I'm good at it I got grounded?" Logan actually did sound a bit annoyed now.

This was getting weird.

I looked around at my brothers. Rocco was grinning. Nick was trying to pretend he wasn't. Jack was doing a good job of hiding it, but I could see the corner of his mouth curling up a little bit. Even Alex was failing at hiding his amusement. Only Damon was expressionless.

"If Carrie tries sneaking out again she will be punished, whether she succeeds or not," Damon told Logan firmly.

"She'll still get snuggles," Logan grumbled. "Just like she snuggled all night with Nick and Alex. And she snuggled with Rocco the night before."

"Are you jealous that we like snuggling with our little sister better than you?" Nick asked.

Alex grinned. "Don't even think about expecting me to snuggle you. Not happening."

Logan looked triumphant. "See? Double standards."

I leaned over and wrapped my arms around his neck, smothering his cheek with kisses. "I'll snuggle you, my Logi-bear. You're like a teddy, you know that?"

"I'm nothing like a teddy," he grumbled, trying to push me off.

I held on tighter.

"Get off me," he growled, pushing me lightly.

"I thought you wanted snuggles?" I said as I sat back in my chair properly, making my voice sad and putting on a perfect pout. "And you are like a teddy. You're sweet and squishy."

Logan lifted his shirt and ran his hand over his six-pack. I made a gagging noise.

"Don't want to see that at the dinner table bro," I said.

"Just showing you my rock-hard abs," he said. "Nothing soft and squishy about me!"

I poked his arm. "You're soft and squishy where it matters," I said. "When I'm sad and you cheer me up, and snuggle up with me and watch Disney movies with me, and act like a good big brother, you're nice and soft like a teddy bear." I smiled sweetly at him to a chorus of awwwws from our brothers. Logan blushed, but gave me a grin.

"Aw thanks sis," he said. "It's nice to know someone loves me."

"We all love you, baby bro," Alex said.

"But not as much as they love me," I said, poking my tongue out at him.

"Not true Carrie," Jack said.

The table fell silent as my brothers all helped themselves to the meal before us. Roasted vegetables, roast chicken, and lots of gravy.

"So are you all ready for your first Bogiatto family pool party?" Jack asked me. "Have you invited your friends?"

"Yep!" I nodded excitedly. I was looking forward to it so much. It was the talk of the school! "We went bikini shopping after school today," I informed him proudly. "Getting all ready."

"Is that what you were doing at the mall today?" Damon asks, one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah," I said uncertainly. For some reason, it felt like I'd done something wrong. I don't know what, though. Damon hadn't asked what we were doing at the mall, he'd just told me to have fun, and that Paul would bring me home.

"You are not wearing a bikini," Rocco and Nick both said at once.

I looked at Jack. "Please?"

"No," he said.

"Why not? It's pretty!"

I made contact with each of my brothers in turn, but every single one of them shook their heads.

"You'll all have no shirts on. What's the difference? There are so many double standards in this house it's unbelievable!"

I went to get up from the table but Jack slipped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close. "You'll have fun, I promise," he said softly, glaring across the table at Alex who was grinning and muttering something about teenagers only half under his breath.

"You were a teenager once!" I pointed out grumpily.

"Yeah, back with the dinosaurs," Logan said. He looked at me and grinned cheekily. "I don't think he can even remember that far back."

Alex grinned, but pointed his fork in Logan's direction. "Watch it, little brother. I might be old, but I'm not too old to beat the crap out of you. Now shut up and let me eat in peace."

Logan and I stopped razzing our brothers and started eating in earnest then, while conversation about business carried on around us.

I smiled happily. Jacky was home. All was right in my world once again.

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