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I have seen many authors have a dedication page at the end of their books to commemorate all of the people who made their story grand. I do not know if this will ever be published, one day maybe. In the meantime, I would like to honor the people who helped me make Welcome Home, Rose a reality.

First to LittleVee for the amazing cover for Welcome Home, Rose. This cover exceeded all of my expectations and certainly blew my original idea for it out of the water. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, I really do appreciate it.

To my friends; Steph, Lauren, and Julia the real life Cassi, Cerys, and Livana. The three of you drove me to stick to my guns and listened to my ramblings of inspiration and gushing about the different characters and their personalities. I appreciate everything you have done for me, your endless support, and motivation. From the bottom of my heart I thank you all so much! YOU ROCK SQUAD!

To my loving husband who listened to my constant ramblings of this book. You actively listened when I planned out my plot points. You certainly dealt with me having certain songs on repeat when I was creating the perfect scenes. You took care of our fur children when I was aggressively typing up a chapter. I love you hunny.

To my mom, the guiding inspiration behind my penname. She had always wanted to have a daughter named Kirby. I'm sure she would be just as proud of having a daughter who's an author who took Kirby as her pen name. Love you ma!

To my fur children Cloud Strife and Jalex Fuenciado, mama appreciated all your snuggles and cuddles while typing up these chapters. Kisses & Lovings to both of you!

The final dedication goes to my father who passed away in 2018, without whom Bennington Parque would not exist. I hope I am making you proud of me pops. I love and miss you so much.

Lastly thank you to the readers, silent as you may be. You are all amazing.

<3 KirbyRenee

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