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Being back home in Bennington felt overwhelming. Seeing the boys again, seeing AJ brought all kinds of unwanted memories back to the surface. If it wasn't for the comforting warmth of Winchester and Remington, I am positive my sleep would've been plagued with nightmares.

Even though I had the day off I was still up bright and early. I grabbed a red and black striped flannel shirt, black tank top, and blue jeans heading towards the bathroom to shower.

Twenty minutes later I was downstairs enjoying a vanilla long john from my favorite bakery reading my book. I jumped when my phone started vibrating with a video call from Cassi. I pressed accept, propping up my phone on the bakery box.

"Hey Cassi, what's up?" I asked.

"Heather Elizabeth Rose Turner, who is this handsome man and why have you been keeping him from us?" She held up Cerys phone showing a picture of me and AJ standing at the bar together. I swore underneath my breath remembering I had left my phone at the table. Judging by how well the picture had turned out it was safe to assume it was Damien's handiwork.

"Spill woman or we are driving our asses down there to start asking around." Cerys came on camera.

"His name is AJ; we went to high school together." I sighed heavily.

"Really? That's all the details we're going to get?" Cassi pouted.

"I haven't seen him in five years. There's not much to tell." I finished my donut taking another one from the box.

"A little birdie told us you have a date with him tonight." She grinned. "We want pics and details Rosie."

"If none are given, make no mistake we will drive down there." Cerys warned.

"Love you, Rosie!" Cassi blew a kiss the call disconnecting. Sighing heavily, I went to the photos on my phone finding the photo Damien had taken. He also took pics of him, Clay, and Soren.

"Morning." Randy walked inside the dogs at his heels. "Am I forgiven?"

"For now." I finished my second donut.

"Good, I hope you're ready. We've got a lot of work to do." He grabbed his keys. I nodded putting my phone in my pocket following him out to his truck.

"What's on the agenda?"

"We packed up your parent's clothes and keepsakes. We packed up yours and Ty's as well now we are going to go through them. Anything you don't want can be donated. Whatever you don't want on display can be stored in my attic." He explained. "Don't you worry you'll be back with enough time to prep for your date."

"A date I'm not even remotely interested in going on." I mutter.

"One dinner and one movie will not kill you, Rosie." He glanced over. "Give it a chance there'll be more baked goods in it for you."

"We're resorting to bribery now Uncle Randy?" I teased.

"Is it working?" He asked hopeful.

"Maybe." I smiled weakly.

"I'll take it." He pulled into the driveway. Just like the previous day I closed my eyes taking several deep breaths. Randy was already out of the vehicle taking the side entrance this time. I got out, walking up to the front finding another note. I grabbed it, sitting on the porch swing, and opened it. Inside was one of my senior pictures I had picked the park here in town specifically the Red Stage. I had brought a mic stand with me singing my heart out while Damien's father had taken pictures. There was a note underneath in the same red ink.

I'm always watching, Rose.

I crumpled the note in my hand. Always watching? If there was one thing this town was known for, it was knowing the business of everyone in town. I remembered going out with Damien to take pictures of the town after it flooded against my dad's wishes. When I came home, I was grounded for an entire month. Threats like this didn't even phase me. I took this note burning it in the fire pit.

Welcome Home, RoseWhere stories live. Discover now