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Damien and Soren hadn't been to school since the Homecoming Dance.

There were no suspects, the DJ refused to say a single word. Sheriff Elias Turner was on the case leaving no stone unturned. Heather kept her head down laying as low as possible. Whispers circulated through the hallways, each crueler than the last. Clay had to keep a permanent grip on Val's arm. His gaze absolutely murderous.

She had taken up her usual spot in the library study room. The librarian finally caved getting artwork to decorate the walls making the space a little homier. She spread her work out with her headphones blaring in her ears. Technically she was supposed to be at the assembly, Delaney Turner addressing the harassment of Damien Silver and Soren Bexter. With Clay underneath strict surveillance, her only company lately had been AJ and Val. Shane began spending more time with Liv, a blessing in disguise.

Ever since the dance all she could think about was the kiss she shared with AJ. The feeling of butterflies fluttering around in her stomach took hold whenever he was around. Val picked up on her newfound shyness towards AJ making no move to point out the way her cheeks flushed pink anytime he said hello. She had been so absorbed in her work that she jumped a clean foot in the air when a familiar hand appeared on top of hers.

"I had a feeling I'd find you here. Why aren't you at the assembly?" Shane asked.

"I tried going, mom found me having a panic attack in the bathroom. Told me to stay here until the assembly was over." She bit her lip.

"Not quite sure what the big deal is? They're not the only fags at this school." He rolled his eyes.

Heather's anger flared pulling her hand away using it to close her book with a loud THUMP.

"That is precisely the reason why! They're my best friends, they're like family to me and everyone is saying those hurtful words. You may not think words hurt, but they do and those are wounds that do not heal easily."

"Woah, okay jeez I'm sorry." He scoffed. "I came to see how you were doing and you go off on me. You've been hanging around Fender too much. His impulsiveness is starting to rub off on you."

"If I need to stop hanging out with AJ then you need to stop hanging out with Liv." She countered. "Her ignorance is starting to rub off on you."

"She is a close friend of the family Lizzie Rose and she's the reason your parents don't suspect we're dating again. Speaking of Liv, you owe her an apology for the hurtful things you said to her at the dance." His accent began to show.

"I owe her nothing! She's disrespected me and my friends on multiple occasions. Where the Hell is my apology?" She demanded refusing to back down.

"She was right, you need to be taught some manners." He raised his hand. She dodged twisting his arm behind his back.

"You haven't changed at all. I am not your punching bag. I am not someone you can control. This isn't working out." She finished packing up her bag hoisting it onto her shoulder.

"Are you breaking up with me? Does this have anything to do with your kiss with Fender? Are you cheating on me?"

"Get over yourself." She rolled her eyes. "I'm breaking up with you because you're an abusive asshole, you're a gaslighter, manipulator, and an overall piece of shit."

"What about all the good times we've had? I love you Ellie..." He grabbed her hands, pleading with his eyes for her to reconsider.

"I will never forget those good times, when you were sweet, kind, and the one I fell in love with." She took her hands away. "We are done Shane. There will be no us, not now, not ever."

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