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I woke up to the sound of beeping.

It took an immense amount of effort to open my eyes. The walls were a dark shade of gray with scenic pictures hung up to give the room some decorations. The ceiling was white the lights built right in rimmed by a black border. I pushed myself up slowly taking in more of my surroundings. Randy slept soundly on the recliner, Remington and Winchester snoring at their master's feet. Nathaniel Lincoln had taken the couch, his Sheriff's hat covering his eyes. I turned, tears filling my eyes taking in his dark brown hair with its natural red tint. He still looked pretty rough, but he was still here. We were still here.

"TyTy?!" I croaked out. He startled awake, his dark brown eyes lighting up.

"Rosie! You're awake! Uncle Randy, Uncle Nate, she's awake!" Tyson exclaimed, standing up leaning in hugging me tightly. My shoulder seared with pain. In that moment I didn't care I felt the tears streaming down my face.

"You gave us quite the scare baby girl." Randy quickly wiped his tears away. "I am so glad you're alright."

"I'll go get Pietro." Lincoln stood up. "Thank the Lord, you're alright."

"I think I'll come with, stretch my legs. Remington, Winchester, stay with Heather and Tyson." Randy stood up. They barked padding over to the hospital bed. Remington jumped onto the bed while Winchester rested his head on Tyson's lap.

"Before you say anything, there's something I need to get off my chest." Tyson began resting a hand on Winchester's head, scratching him behind the ears. "I am an asshole, I let my hatred of Bennington Parque, my resentment of our family name blind me from all the good things that were in it.

When mom and dad died, I couldn't stand being here. Everyone expected me to take up the mantle. They wanted me to be Sheriff, to be Fire Chief, to continue the family legacy. My resentment is what led me to sign everything over to you, to get as far away from this Hell as possible. I never stopped to think what it would do to you.

I will never forget the day you came to Florida. You reminded me so much of mom that when you left, I broke down. Florence and I got into a huge argument that same night. She told me I needed to let my hatred go, if I didn't, she would leave and never come back.

I saw every text message Rosie, I got every call, every voicemail. I went to your college graduation I was too much of a coward to reply back. I got this tattoo, sending it to you from Ren's phone as my way of apologizing for everything. I am so God damn sorry Heather." He had tears falling down his face.

"TyTy..." I took his hand.

"I didn't think I was going to get this chance to see you again. When Cordelia kidnapped me, brought me back here I was convinced I was going to die. I'm so glad I survived, that we survived." He squeezed my hand. "Can you ever forgive me?"

"After an apology like that? I'd be a total bitch if I didn't forgive you. I love you TyTy." I pulled him in for another hug. The pain I had felt in my chest, the hole that my brother had left behind was now whole again.

"Pardon my interruption."

Tyson pulled back, grabbing a tissue for me. I attempted to use both hands panicking when I could only lift one. Ty held it for me. I blew my nose. He wiped my tears, standing up to give Pietro Senior the chance to see me. Winchester jumped into the chair resting one of his paws on my hand.

"How long was I out?" it was the first question my mind could even think to ask.

"You were unconscious for one week. You came to us in pretty rough shape." He explained.

"Give it to me straight Pietro, why can't I move my arm?" I sat up a little bit more. I could feel both of my legs. It was my right arm that I couldn't move, it was in a sling heavily bandaged.

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