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Shane was back in town.

My heart felt like it was made of lead dropping into the pit of my stomach. Val and I walked silently back to his car. Instinct drove me to wrap my arms tightly around my torso. The desire to pack my bags, to drive back to Cornell Lake overwhelmed me. Cersei told me he had left Bennington Parque, why would he come back?

"The answer should be obvious."

"Get out of my head V." I glared at him.

"Not my fault you're easy to read." He rolled his eyes, reaching for my hand. I surrendered my death-grip on my side, watching our fingers lace together.

"Cerys and Cassi, it may be safer for them to leave." I bit my lip, flinching at the thought. Shane and I hadn't ended on the best of terms, my body still remembered every punch, every kick to the stomach. His promise to make me pay. A MacBride always followed through on their promises. Maybe now he was coming to collect?

Val pulled up next to my car swearing underneath his breath. Detective Carson and Detective Chiero were waiting on the front porch. Giselle stood off to the side her gaze positively venomous. I got out of the car raising my hands earning a chuckle from Val.

"Were my instructions unclear?" Giselle asked angrily.

"I had to see Sheriff Lincoln." I answered.

"Concerning?" Detective Chiero raised an eyebrow.

"Classified." Val put an arm around me.

"Do you recognize this?" She handed me a piece of paper. I took it my face paling; it was the messages between me and the Backroads Killer. Val hissed a string of curse words. These messages had been altered, making me look like I not only had motive to have my brother kidnapped, but also had the means to have him killed.

"No, looks like an internet troll who really has it out for me." I handed it back. "Those are a dime a dozen nowadays."

"Internet troll or not Miss Turner, these messages show motive and means." Detective Chiero said, a smug smile spreading across her face. "We have-"

"Nothing, that is what you have. You want to know where I was when my brother went missing? I was at the Cornell Public Library working my last shift before making the drive here." I cut them off. "Sheriff Lincoln has my texts, my call logs, all of them prove I had nothing to do Tyson's disappearance. This is circumstantial, this will not hold up in court especially when I contact your superior officer and file harassment charges."

Silence fell upon the porch, Val doing his best to conceal his laughter at the shocked expression on Detective Carson's face and the furious expression on Detective Chiero's.

"My client is correct, if memory serves you handed this case over to Sheriff Lincoln meaning this is out of your jurisdiction. We will begin to file the harassment charges immediately; I would advise you take your leave or I will add trespassing on private property to the list." Giselle's voice was freezing cold.

"Yes ma'am, I am sincerely sorry for all of the trouble we have caused. Have a good afternoon, Miss Turner, Mrs. Vexington, and Mr. Lexington." Detective Carson bowed his head, taking the steps down to his car.

"You may think you've won but this isn't over Turner." Detective Chiero hissed in a strong Irish accent slamming her shoulder into mine storming down the steps. My whole body froze, my heart speeding up in my chest. I didn't relax until they disappeared from view.

"That was quite the speech young lady, you better start explaining yourself." Giselle opened the door. I knew there was no way I could talk myself out of this one. I walked inside, grabbing my laptop showing her the original messages, seeing her referencing the fabricated ones she had been handed a copy of. Her eyes narrowed, this wasn't the look from my lawyer, this was the look of a concerned mother looking out for an old friend's daughter.

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