To Find the Truth

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Embry stopped and lifted his nose to the air, sniffing. There. The scent was strong this time.

He's still in the area, he said, taking off at breakneck speed through the forest.

He could hear the rest of the pack around him, all of them moving sleekly in and out of trees as they chased down their quarry. What had started out as a normal patrol quickly progressed into a full-out hunt involving both packs when Quil happened across a fresh trail of the vampire's scent.

We gotta take this bloodsucker down tonight!

Stay focused! He's evaded us this far. We can't get overconfident!

There's something up ahead. Shit. I think it's a body.

Embry, Quil, check it out with me. The rest are going to keep on the trail with Sam.

Embry gracefully slid to a stop as he came to a clearing. The moon lit up the area, though he didn't have much difficulty seeing in the dark. A body lay in the middle of the area, almost as though the vampire had intentionally put it on display, which turned Embry's stomach slightly. The man was laying on his back, arms and legs out in a spread eagle, coated in the vampire's wretched smell. At least whoever was doing this had left this one clothed. As Embry moved closer, he saw the bite marks - crescent moons out of human teeth - and the man's neck bent at a weird angle. The bloodsucker must have snapped it first in order to keep him quiet as he fed, seeing as this one wasn't as far from civilization as all the others. At least it had been quick. The sick bastard had taken his time and played with some of the others.

He's dead, he said.

Damnit! Don't people know to stay out of the woods by now?! Jacob shouted.

Embry glanced at his alpha and then put his nose in the air. While he felt the same agitation, they needed to keep their heads right now.

It's fresh. We can't be that far behind.

We'll wait to hear back from Sam before we let Chief Swan know, Jacob ordered. I don't want anyone from town out here until we know it's safe.

The three of them started sniffing around the clearing, looking for anything that might help them determine something more about the vampire. There was a howl far off in the distance, coming from the coast.

They're coming back, Jacob said.

Already, Quil and Embry could hear Seth and Leah in their heads, both snarling as they shared the news.

The vampire had gotten away. Again. The trail ended at the ocean. Again.

Dammit, Quil said. Thought for sure we'd get him this time.

We should phase out. Makes it easier to talk, Jacob ordered.

The three phased back and quickly dressed as the rest joined them in the clearing, doing the same. They all looked at Sam and Jacob.

"It's okay to call out Chief Swan. My pack will watch the coastline in case whoever this is comes back, though I doubt they will tonight," Sam said to Jacob. "I'll make some calls and get a few cars out to make it look like we've been hunting and cover our tracks."

"Got it. I'll have Seth and Leah keep watch around here, but Chief Swan will want to talk to me, Embry and Quil," Jacob said. "Make sure they put some guns in there."

Sam nodded as he looked over at the body, grimacing at the sight, before turning back to Jacob. He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I really think it's time to call in the Cullens. As much as I hate to admit it, we can't handle this on our own," he said, though he looked pained to do so.

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