A Chance Meeting

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Embry lifted his head as he stiffed at the air. They had been running for a while now, but he slid to a stop when an unfamiliar scent reached his nose. It was out of place in that area of the forest and reminded him of lavender. In a manner of seconds, it had consumed him with its intoxicating allure and he found himself staring longingly in the direction it was coming from, eager to find the source.

You got something? he heard Quil say in his head. He looked over at him.

Something smells different. You smell lavender? he asked.

An odd tingling sensation filled his body as he started towards the smell. It was coming from the direction of one of the accident sites.

I don't smell anything but the same trail left by the damn bloodsucker, Quil replied, taking off after him. Granted it's finally starting to wear off. Made me gag when we first came out.

Embry was silent as he continued running, moving much faster through the trees on four legs than he could on just two. Ever since word broke out of the first attack, Sam and Jacob had the packs out every day searching. It had been a long time since they had anything strange happen around Forks. Not since the newborn army attacked and the Volturi came after Renesmee.

But as soon as Chief Swan had seen the first victim, he immediately called Jacob and asked him to look into it. He still didn't know about the existence of vampires, but he knew enough to see that this wasn't your average animal attack.

When the second and third hiker had been found, Charlie said he would keep the locals thinking it was a bear or something if Jacob and the others would take care of what actually was killing the hikers. He seemed a bit relieved with the need-to-know arrangement and that he wouldn't have to face whatever was lurking in the woods himself.

As soon as they had arrived at the first site, immediately the packs knew what was behind it. The clearing reeked of vampire. But the trail had gone cold at the ocean's edge. Every night they ran perimeter checks, but still they hadn't been able to locate the damn thing. Sam and Jacob had already been discussing bringing the Cullens in – they had been in Vancouver for two years now while Nessie went to college – but Jacob was determined to try and handle the situation themselves without calling in the help of the vampire coven.

Embry was tired. Between juggling the increased patrols, work, and his online courses, he was barely getting enough sleep. If things kept up like this much longer, he was worried his grades would drop and it would jeopardize his transfer to the University of Washington in the spring even though he was already accepted into the undergrad program.

You'll be fine, Quil said, sensing his thoughts. This won't last forever. And you always were one of the smart ones.

Embry offered him a wolfy smile as they slowed down. Both wolves heard voices coming from the clearing where they had found the hiker's body.

Thought the police cleared this place, Embry thought.

They did. Doesn't sound like police, Quil replied.

The scent of lavender was stronger as they quietly moved closer, but stayed hidden among the trees, the voices becoming more prominent thanks to their enhanced hearing while in wolf form. It was a man and a woman. Along with the scent, the tingling intensified.

You seriously don't smell that? Or feel that? Embry said, beginning to think he was losing his mind or gone delirious from sleep deprivation.

I don't smell or feel anything, Quil replied.

Embry cocked his head to the side, focusing on what the couple was saying.

"Though, might be a good idea to get back to town. Certainly would not want to run into whatever's been killing those hikers," the man said.

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