Not Completely Over

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Embry frowned as he jogged down the path to Sam and Emily's house, unable to shake off an underlying sense of dread. That the situation hadn't fully been handled when they killed the vampire.

He slept fitfully and his thoughts were never far from Mara. Even though they had spoken as soon as she got back to Seattle and again that morning, there was a near constant worry flowing through him for her safety now that she was three and a half hours away.

"What's going on?" Embry asked as soon as he walked in, seeing Rosalie, Emmett, Cecily and Demetri in the kitchen with Jacob and Sam. All wearing grim looks.

This wasn't good. He thought they had left.

"There were two," Jacob said, frowning.

Two what? Vampires? That made no sense.

"But how? We only had one scent. What's more, how could you miss this?" Embry nearly shouted, glaring at Demetri. "Something wrong with your skills?"

"Relax," Sam said. "We all missed it."

"And I did not lose my so-called skills," Demetri said calmly. "It would appear that these two were... gifted."

Embry stared at the Volturi guard in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Identical scents. Identical registers," Demetri said. "It's why we did not know until now that there were two. I am not sure if they were both killing hikers or if one used the other as a scapegoat."

"How did you figure this out?" Embry asked.

"After we took care of the one in the woods, I picked up the same register, which should not have been possible since we had just killed him," Demetri said evenly. "I started to follow him, but I see why you were unable to catch him. He is rather gifted in slipping away."

"So, it's not over?" Embry asked. "Is he still here?"

"No, we haven't found any trace since he left," Jacob said. "We're hoping that since we killed the one, the other won't come back. But we're going to have to keep a lookout for the time being."

"We're staying for a bit longer just in case," Rosalie added. "Demetri and Cess are going to go after him."

Embry nodded as he sat down, taking in the information. Perhaps he wouldn't come back.

He then remembered the night on the beach. The way the vampire had smelled Mara. His eyes widened. What if they had killed the wrong one? What if the other was now tracking Mara back to Seattle?

"What is it?" Cecily asked.

"Mara," Embry said, looking at Jacob and Sam. "What if the vampire at the beach... what if it wasn't the one we killed?"

"You need to go to Mara," Jacob said. "Now."

Embry nodded as he jumped to his feet and started towards the door.

"We should go with him," Demetri said. "We can find him faster with me there."

"Go," Jacob said.

"Go," Jacob said

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