Caught Redhanded

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"God, I'm starving," Mara said as she and Embry stepped out from her motel room. "I could probably eat about three hamburgers."

Embry chuckled as he put an arm around her waist to lead her over to her car, sneaking a kiss on her cheek.

"Though I suppose that's just a snack for you..."

"We need to eat a lot. We burn through a lot of calories," he responded.

Mara rolled her eyes. She was still coming to terms with the fact that Embry was a wolf. But then he just kept telling her more things that made her wish she could be one too. Was that possible?

Another question to ask. But later.

"Seriously, so jealous of that. I wish I could eat whatever I want and stay in shape," she said with a sigh. "Instead I've got to go to the gym..."

"It's not always as great as you think," Embry said. "I'm constantly hungry..."


They stopped just in front of Mara's car, seeing Mike jogging up to them. Relief was clearly written across his face. Though Mara was confused to see him.

"Mike, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I was worried. After seeing how you looked at the station this morning. And then you haven't been answering your phone or messages," he said, stopping in front of them.

"Sorry about that," she said. "I was a bit distracted."

"Right..." Mike said as he looked at the ground, seeming a bit uncomfortable.

Mara frowned, confused at his reaction. Then it suddenly dawned on her what it looked like. She hadn't been answering the phone and he had just caught her walking out of her room with Embry's arm around her waist. Both of them obviously freshly showered and probably oozing post-coital bliss.

Granted, it was exactly what it looked like, but she didn't want to admit that to Mike. She felt Embry's hand tighten slightly around her as a deep rumbling went through his body. Mara glanced up at him, catching him starting to glare at Mike. Was he seriously growling right now?

"I was exhausted," she said quickly, turning back to Mike. "I've been passed out all day. And Embry and I had some things to discuss. But I'm fine now."

"I see," Mike said, shifting awkwardly.

"Right, so anything new on the case?" Mara asked, turning them to safer topics.

Jesus, it couldn't get more awkward.

"They're still out searching the woods, though the chief has called back some of our guys," Mike said.

"Okay... well, we're just going to eat and then we'll meet you back at the station," Mara said, pulling Embry towards her car.

"Got it," Mike said, turning to go back to his truck.

They were quiet as they climbed in, though Embry was still shooting scowls towards Mike.

"Seriously, Embry?" Mara said once she started the car. "What's with all this growling and shit?"

"It's a wolf thing," he said quickly. Mara rolled her eyes.

"You sure about that?" she asked. Embry didn't answer. "I told you that night - there's nothing there. All my interactions with him have been about the story."


"Still nothing, Embry. I know you're all about protecting me, but Mike is not a threat. Not to mention, you've got to trust me," she said, frowning at him. "Relationships need to be beuilt on trust, so, chill the fuck out."

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