Ending It

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An uneasiness had settled in the next morning as Embry watched Mara. She had continued being vague and jumpy, though insisted it was nothing. After a call to Charlie with no update, she settled to work at her laptop, writing up another article and then talking to her boss on the phone.

Embry stood at the window, scanning their surroundings, though he kept an eye on her as well.

More and more, he was beginning to think that that brilliant mind of hers had started putting things together. Part of him actually hoped that she would just so he no longer had to keep hiding it from her.

Sometime in the afternoon, he told her he was going out for a bit. The motel room was getting claustrophobic and he needed to phase so he could communicate with Jacob without her overhearing. Mara seemed almost relieved and assured him that she wouldn't leave the room.

He said he'd be back in about 20 minutes and quickly jogged into the woods a safe distance before phasing.

How are things going? he heard Jacob say.

Well... something may have come up, Embry quickly replied. I think she's figured it out. That it's vampires.

Think? How?

She's smart. Asked a lot of questions about us. I was vague and left out all the stuff about vampires, but she's been a bit distant today, he replied. Would it be so bad if she knew? It would make things a lot easier. Emily and the others know.

That's because they live on the reservation and come into regular contact with vampires, Jacob replied. They are under the packs' protection.

But so is Mara, Embry replied.

It's different. You guys are going to be on your own in Seattle.

It's not different. We should tell her. She needs to know.

No, she doesn't. This is for her own safety.


You will not tell her about the vampires, Jacob ordered.

Embry felt a pressure fall over him as the alpha order came through. Well, that fixed that problem, though it didn't make Embry feel any better.

Fine, he replied. He couldn't tell her now even if he wanted to. There was suddenly chaos in his mind. What's going on?

He's back, Jacob said urgently.

I need to tell Mara.

Hurry. Cecily is already on her way to watch out for her.

Embry quickly phased back and ran to the motel. He banged on the door and waited until a worried Mara opened it.

"I have to go. The packs have found it," he said quickly. Mara's eyes widened. "Stay inside until I get back. Keep the door locked. Do not come out until I come back and do not let anyone in."

She nodded. He started to turn away, but Mara reached out and grabbed him, pulling him towards her. She quickly kissed him.

"Be safe," she said, her eyes full of worry. Embry smiled.

"I will be," he said.

He left one last kiss on her lips before turning and running through the parking lot and across the highway, disappearing into the woods.

"Cecily?" he shouted once he was there.

"Here," a voice said as the redhead stepped out from behind a tree. "Don't worry, I'll keep her safe."

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