▪︎ Chapter 11 ▪︎

Start from the beginning

Is he scared of riding the motorcycle!? "Xiao, we just went 10km. Are you sure that you are ready? By the way your grabbing me feels like you're scared" before I knew it Xiao started to shout "I'm not scared! I'm just scared for you." What was the Inazuman term? Oh yea.

Xiao is acting like a tsundere.

"Xiao. I have been riding a motorcycle for years. I practically can do a flip in the air." 

"Try it! I dare you." He shouted back

I sigh and nod. "Just maybe watch where the seats are" as soon as Xiao was in the safe point. I got ready and went at full speed. Jumping over the stack of tires then a giant flip across the big ramp.

Once I was done. I looked over at Xiao who was practically left speechless. "That's her for you." Seems like Fischl was watching from afar.


"It's nice to see you still have the skills." 
"Thanks Fischl"

Xiao, then got back on the bike and started to go very very slow. "You're doing well!" I shouted which he responded "shut the fuck up!"


Once Xiao managed to do a full lap at the pace of a turtle, his face was very pale after that. "Jeez, are you ok?"

"Aiko! I'm fine! Just still help me!" 

Before I knew it I got on the same motorcycle as Xiao and started to go much faster than he did. Why was Xiao so afraid of motorcycles? Just what did it do to him?

"Ok we did a lap at the supposed speed that the director wants you to do. I remember correctly that you have to also go down a ramp. We can continue later and continue tomorrow if you want." Xiao seemed happy with that idea and ran off to the break room.

Days went by and Xiao has started to get the hang of going faster. We started to do the ramp and he always seems to back out last minute. "Hey Xiao, you go have lunch early I'll go have a rest in the changing room" Xiao nodded and I headed over to the soundproof changing room, took off my Aiko disguise  and took a calm, warm shower. 

Once I finished changing back into my gear and back into my Aiko disguise after that relaxing shower, I began to get unknown messages.


Hey. We're gonna kill you if you don't listen up.

Aiko (Y/N)
That's a bold statement.
You don't even know me.

Your name isn't even Aiko.
We have met in real life just for a brief moment. Y/N...

Aiko (Y/N)
Ok who the hell are you?


Who am I?
A better question would be... Where is Xiao?

The burnt orphanage.


I ran out of the changing room and looked around the building. Once I reached the breakroom all I saw was blood.

Oz was severely wounded while Fischl's left eye was bleeding out a lot. "Y/N… Fatui attack. They have Xiao. Will be fine, an ambulance is on its way. Go to the security office." After that Fischl lost consciousness due to blood loss.

I scurried through Oz's pocket to find the key. Once I received it I quickly ran all the way to his office where the security room was located.

I looked through the recorded files and found the one.

Third person POV.

"Hey Xiao, when you get ready to go on the ramp what are you thinking?" Asked Fischl. Xiao gave some time to think about how to answer Fischl's questions. "Well. I just think about what if and think if I should hit the brakes."

"You have seen Aiko ride the motorcycle right?" Fischl lifted a brow which Xiao nodded. "She seems amazed. She seems completely fearless." Fischl starts to burst into tears when Xiao said she was completely fearless.

"She wasn't always like that. She wouldn't even go near the ramp or do a flip like she did a few days ago." Xiao looked completely puzzled. "She was just like you. Too scared to take the leap of faith and be in the moment. She even got thrown off her motorcycle and landed in a pit of tires"

Fischl started to laugh while Xiao tried not to. "Anyway my ideal idea is when either me or Aiko takes that jump or any stunt like that. Don't think about what if. Think of being in that moment. The feeling of excitement and you know."

Xiao nodded before Oz came in "I see Fischl hasn't said anything complicated" Fischl popped out of her seat and started yelling "that was in the past! I knew that I can't be the Fischl from the book."

"Your name isn't Fischl?" Xiao asked but Fischl shook her head "Fischl was the name I used to take since people thought I was weird and then I lived a lie for years. Till Oz my cousin helped me out to find something else that's me and not Fischl. Which was motorcycling.  But I still use the name Fischl since that's what people grew up to call me and it's my name for competitions. My real name is Amy."

Xiao then took a bite of his sandwich and was startled when the door broke down. 'This place is staff only-"

"Shoot him"

Three bullets were shot and Oz took the hit. Fischl grabs the knife from the kitchen and starts to defend herself but the invader sticks a nail into her eye in agony. Fischl started to cry out in pain while Xiao tried to help Fischl.

The man took the knife Fischl held and continued to stab Oz. Oz stood strong to protect Fischl and Xiao till he couldn't take it anymore and passed out. "Xiao get the hell out of here I'll distract them." Said Fischl which Xiao nodded but the man swiftly knocks him out "we got what we came for let's go"


Holy moly. My heart stopped when I saw what happened. At this point Xiao's life is more at stake than the kidnap attempt from Signora. I knew what to do and got my gear back on and rode off to the destination.

All I hope is that it isn't IL Dottore. Who knows what he is capable of.


Random story time.

I have rode a motorcycle before when I went to camp. I was a complete chicken after this girl fractured her right ankle because of it and I was still traumatised when I drowned at the water slide the day before that.

It was funny since out of the whole group I was the only one who rode the bike for like seven year olds to learn while the rest of my group rode the one that's like half of the size of a real motorcycle that goes vroom vroom.

While I'm on my safe motorcycle going. Go. Stop. Go. Stop. Go stop. You see a bunch of other people just zooming past me.

Also my group thinks I can't swim just because of my drowning moment.
(My swimming lessons went bye bye in my head. Lmao)

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