"do you wanna get taco bell?" she jumped up, getting rid of any awkward silence.

"sure." i smiled, starting to head for the door.

"do want some fries? i can't eat all this."

"oh no i already had my free day this week, i can't have that." i replied.

"why? you're on a diet?" she asked.

"on a diet for life." i chuckled. "i eat healthy."

"i'm vegan, and gluten free. that's as close as i'll get to eating healthy." she said.

"i tried being vegan a while ago, but i started getting sick, my body needs the meat." i said, before shoving different kinds of vegetables into my mouth.

"my whole family is vegan." she said.

"that's cool! mine is too, but i'm not, obviously. i don't think cole is either." i said. "wait. you just said you're dairy free, but you just got three bean burritos."

"taco bell is the only place i don't go gluten free in, it's just not worth it for me. i'm sorry but it's isn't worth it in my opinion." she shook her head and took another bite of her burrito.

"i'm just glad that you don't talk while you have food in your mouth." i said.

"oh hell no, that would be a huge red flag." she frowned her brows, after swallowing.

"exactly my point!" i exclaimed. "also this car is unreal."

"uh uh. this isn't just any car babe, this is dragon."

"well, i am very honored to met you dragon. do you happen to have any lotion hanging around?" i pretend to talk to the dodge.

"lotion? i do think i have some in the glove, why do you need it?" she laughed at the end.

"my hands are abnormally itchy today for some reason." i answered, as i took the lotion bottle out.

"i feel you. it's just one of those dry skin days." she licked her lips after finishing her burrito and put her seat belt back on.

"where do you want to go now." she asked while backing out the driveway.

"i'm not sure, you decide." i answered.

"can we just go back to your place and chill?" she asked.

"i would love that." i smiled.

fifteen minutes later we were back in the studio. we just ended up cuddling on my bed, talking, and then watched some tiktok together.

"so are you staying in california? or are you leaving again?" billie asked.

"i'm not sure yet, but feel like it's time to stop traveling?" i answered. "i don't know. the whole point of me traveling around with silver was me trying to find out what i want to do with my life. now that i know what i want to do, i know it time to stop, but i don't want to. i loved it so much, but again i can't be doing it forever."

"take one last trip." she suggested.

"i'm scared i'm going to love it way too much." i replied.

"take me with you, i'll make sure you have a miserable trip and you'll wish you never even went on the trip in the first place." she grinned.

"ahh, my first taste of parenthood."

"so? what do you say?" she raised a brow.

"i say fuck it. why not?" i shifted my head to look up at billie with a smile, only to find her with the same stupid smile on her face. butterflies in stomach.

"you know this means you have to ride silver again." i wiggled my brows.

"yes i'm aware but at least i'll be hugging you the whole time. i know i'll be safe."

what is she doing to me? is it hot in here? oh god i'm blushing, aren't i? act cool. act cool. act cool. hide your face. avoid eye contact. don't let her see you blush.

damn i gotta pee.

"the person with the smallest bladder in the world needs to pee." i announced as i got up and hurried to the bathroom. i did my business, washed my hands and looked myself in the mirror, a tomato.

i unlocked the door and made my way back into billie's arms. "you should be a professional cuddler."

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now