"People don't normally smile when they talk about hard times." Carlos spoke as he gave us a relaxed expression. I shrugged and put one arm on the top of the couch that was above Carley.

"It wasn't all hard times. There was good times as well. We smiled, we cried, we laughed and we hurt, but without the easy moments coming after the hard ones...I don't think we would have made it." My voice was soft as I let a sad smile graze my lips. Carlos looked like he wanted to retort but he held his tongue.

"They all seem like good people, what happened to them?" Luke asked almost hesitantly. My smile fell slightly and I shrugged.

"What happens to everyone I guess." Luke nodded as Pete unfurled his leg and put his elbows on his knee's. Pete looked from Luke over to us and smirked a bit.

"We've just had the misfortune of meeting bad people, that's all. Carver was an inconvenience that we met and now he looks for us. He wants to keep us at his camp but we don't want to stay there. It's a horrible place to raise a child." Pete's eyes looked over at The pregnant lady who crossed her arms and glared at Pete.

"They don't need to know any of our business. When that little girl turns tomorrow they will be out of our hair anyway." I raised an eyebrow at the Woman's tone when speaking about Clementine. I shook my head and gave her a staggering amount of sarcasm.

"You know, it's not very helpful when you speak about someone's family like that. What if I wished death on your child?" The woman's face contorted into anger as she looked offended. I just stared at her with a neutral expression which seemed to piss her off more.

"We don't know you, for all we know you could have taken that child and got her bit just so we'd feel bad. You could be working for Carver and we wouldn't even know it. Until you prove we can trust you, I don't give a damn about you." I nodded slowly as a smirk edged it's way onto my face. I couldn't help but find what was going on pretty funny. I tried to not laugh though just incase they take it as an admission of being guilty.

"Noted." I said with the smallest amount of a smile grazing my lips. I scanned the woman and found her name was Rebecca Hanson. The colored man next to her was Alvin Hudson.

As the conversation continued I scanned the house to see how well equipped these people really were. As I looked around I saw a small heat signature making it's way through the house. I looked further and saw that Clementine herself was walking through the house. I smirked slightly and realized she might need help. Carefully I looked up at Luke and stopped him while he was speaking.

"Hey, do you guys have a working bathroom?" Luke looked up at me and nodded.

"Yeah, just go up the stairs and take a right. Should be at the end of the hallway. The water doesn't work so it just goes down into the septic tank." I nodded and stood up. Carley looked up at me curiously but didn't say anything as she continued conversations with everyone. I slipped into the living room and watched as Clementines signature was upstairs walking around. I smirked and walked up the stairs slowly as to not alert her before making my way down the hallway.

Clementine was behind the bathroom door, frantically hiding somewhere based on her elevated heart levels and slow breathing. I opened the door to the bathroom and stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I could see Clementine hiding in the bath Tub With the curtain blocking her from normal view. I smirked and crossed my arms, walking over to her hiding place which made her shrink in fear. I stopped just outside the tub and put my hand on the inside of the curtain. I pulled the curtain open and looked down at Clems Terrified face with a smile.

"Hey Clem."

"You scared the hell out of me." Clems face morphed into a small smiled as I leaned down and motioned for her to grab my hand. I pulled her up and out of the tub and into my arms for a small hug. It lasted for only a moment before I pulled away and knelt down.

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