029; you didn't even cuddle

Start from the beginning

"Can we go to the restroom quickly?" Evie looked up at her, "I'm desperate."

"Okay." Kate nodded, following Evie to the restrooms near the back of the building.

As they pair approached the bathroom, Evie stopped them by the counters as she turned towards Kate and grabbed a colour corrector and concealer from her bag, "move your head to the side."


"The hickey." She said.

"What about it?" Kate frowned, turning her head to the side as Evie applied the makeup onto it.

"You don't want people to start talking about that," Evie replied, "just let me cover it."

"Maybe I hate being in the spotlight," Kate admitted with a frown still on her face.

"You just have to be cautious, that's all it is." Evie shrugged, grabbing a brush from her bag as Kate sighed.

"I don't like being cautious."

"I know."

"Is it a bad hickey?"

"He definitely didn't hold back," Evie said through a small laugh as Kate smiled slightly, "it was easy enough to cover."

"Is it still visible?" Kate looked at her before she turned to the mirror, "it's a completely different shade, Ev."

"I'm sorry we're not the exact same shade," Evie held her hands up in defence, "I tried my best."

"Thank you." She gave her a small smile before they both left the bathroom again and headed towards the door to the outside world again.

"Is Isaac completely out of your life then?" Evie asked, "no more attempts to get back with you? Nothing creepy he's doing?"

"No, so far so good. He's completely out of my life and I've blocked him on everything so we should be..." Kate's voice slowly got quieter as they left the restaurant they were in, looking up to the sudden large group of cameramen and flashing lights while the girl's eyes widened slightly and she glanced to Evie.

Evie replied with a shrug as they walked into the group of people, Kate loosely holding onto her best friend's arm while a man had began to approach her.

"Your latest single is experiencing a lot of backlash Kate." The man spoke up while the two girls were slowly walking down the sidewalk, being followed by the group that was slightly circling them, "how do you feel about that song finally being out?"

"What new song?" She turned to him confused.

"1 step forward, 3 steps back has caused a lot of uproar on twitter, does-"

"That's not out yet." Kate shook her head as she let out a small laugh, looking over to Evie who had been frowning, "that's with my uh, the new album i'm preparing."

"You released it early hours this morning," he told her as she turned back to him and her laughter had quickly died, "did you feel it was time to release that song despite the drama surrounding your recently revealed toxic behaviour towards your boyfriend?"

"Kate let's go." Evie mumbled to the girl while she locked their hands together, "you don't have to answer."

Kate stared at the man with her eyebrows furrowed before glancing round to the rest of the cameraman, a confused expression stuck on her face as she looked back to the guy who had asked the question.

"I don't have a boyfriend," she shook her head, "and I didn't release any song today. I don't think i'm the girl involved in this drama I-"

"Isaac Johnstone did mention it was you," he continued to explain the situation as Evie stared at the girl stood beside her, "what do you have to tell-"

"We really need to get going but it was lovely talking to you guys," Evie interrupted the man's question, her hand wrapping around Kate's arm before quickly moving her away from the current situation.

"Maybe this whole singer bullshit isn't for a girl like you," a cameraman spoke up as the girl's head dropped towards the floor, "you'll never be successful if you can't be a decent human."

Walking away from the group in silence, the two girls got into Evie's car as Kate put on the seatbelt almost immediately before turning her head towards the window while Evie looked at her.

"It's best to ignore them." Evie said.

"I don't want to talk about it," Kate mumbled.

"Okay." She nodded, pulling away from the side of the road as she sighed, seeing Kate wipe one of her eyes from the corner of hers, "are-"

"I'm going to have to talk to Isaac now about this whole thing," she sighed and shrugged.

"No you don't." Evie shook her head, "that's not going to change anything, the damage has been done so just move past it."

"Maybe I should quit."

"Then he knows he got to you and that's not going to change anything either," she said, "just face it, Kate. You know what's true and what isn't so who cares."


"Kate. Just take time to yourself and enjoy being single," Evie interrupted the girl as she looked at her, "go kiss as many guys as you want and do things that older you will regret, go have fun."

"I would rather be with Corbyn," she frowned.

"Corbyn used you for a hook up," Evie told her, "give him silent treatment for a few days, don't let him know that he can use you whenever."

"Okay." Kate rolled her eyes and shrugged, "fine."



katelyn 😔😔

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