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"D-Don't tell me y-you're-" You nodded as more tears poured down your face. "But I am. I'm a North Korean, Hobi. E-Every year, our leader sends the best people out of the country to go and write down notes about what is needed to be done better in our country. I studied hard to be a specialist in fonts and languages and in the end they chose me. My family isn't that poor, we're in the middle class, but still the life out there is a living hell. My sister escaped when I was a teenager. I don't even know where she is right now. I know that you might think that I'm selfish to leave my family out there, b-but you just don't know how it feels to live in a constant fear. H-How it feels when you don't even know the meaning of freedom or love. We're allowed to love only him, people actually believe that he is our god. I just couldn't reject this opportunity. I went here with the thought of living better at least for a while, but here I am. Pregnant with my student whom I love more then anyone else in this world. What should I do now?! It hurts, Hobi, it hurts so bad! P-Please, don't leave me." You pleaded him, you were losing yourself.

Hobi was shocked, but he would never judge you. Taking you in his arms he held you tightly as he rubbed your back. "Shh, we're going to figure it out, yeah? None of this is your fault, okay?" You were too exhausted from everything that before you could reply, you passed out on his shoulder as sleep took over you. Noticing, you don't cry anymore, he looked at the side of your face as he saw you sleeping peacefully. Sighing, he kissed your forehead and placed you in your bed as he put the duvet over you.


You woke up with a headache again. Your body was too weak to even sit up. Looking around you saw Hobi sleeping on the armchair. You tried getting some support from the nightstand, but you lost control of your hand and fell back down on the bed as you heard something breaking on the floor. "Fuck!" You cursed under your breath. Hobi flinched as he woke up from his nap. His eyes wide as he immediately stood up and ran towards you. "Y/N, what happened? Are you okay?" He asked with concern. "Yes, don't worry, Hobi. I just tried to sit up, but ended up falling back. I'm just 100% sure I broke something." Hobi looked down on the floor as he saw pieces of glass. "Y/N, stay on the bed. I'm going to clean this and bring you dinner." He said as he went to the bathroom to take the broom. "D-Dinner?" You asked with furrowed eyebrows. "Yeah, you slept for a long time. No blame on you tho, you need to rest more then ever now!" He said smiling at you. "Hobi? About earlier, please-" He hummed before you could finish. "Don't worry. I won't tell, Jin hyung. But Y/N, I think It's better If you tell him. He deserves to know about everything more then anyone else. He really loves you and he misses you." You bit your lower lip, preventing yourself from crying again. "I miss him too." You whispered to yourself, but Hobi heard it. After cleaning the mess on the floor, he went for your dinner as you turned on the TV getting bored.

Hobi went inside the main building as he entered the canteen. "Ahh, Hoseok. How is she?" Kai asked him as he came to him. "She's good, Mr. Kim. I'm just going to bring her dinner." Kai nodded and thanked Hobi as he excused himself for an important call. Hobi put your food into a box and sat down where the guys were eating. He placed the box infront of Jin, making him raise his eyebrows in questioning manner. "Go and talk with her. I'm not gonna tell you twice. She told me everything and I think you guys really need to work this out before It's too late. Arguing in this situation is a waste of time. Now go." Hobi ordered giving Jin a death glare. Knowing he can't win against Hobi, Jin stood up and went towards your cottage, not forgetting the box with dinner. Knocking on your door you invited him inside thinking It's Hobi. Jin opened the door as you looked towards his direction. You were nervous again, he didn't say a word and came towards your bed as he placed the food on your nightstand. Thinking whether he should just go or try to talk with you, he decided that the first option is easier for him. He was ready to walk out, but you called out his name. "Jin, wait!" You shouted making him turn towards you. He looked into your eyes, they were practically begging him to stay. "Fuck it!" He cursed as he paced towards your half sitting figure. He sat down beside you as he took your face in his palms, connecting your lips together. Closing your eyes, your body burned with ecstasy. The feeling of his soft plump lips on yours made you feel warm. Pulling away due to lack of oxygen, you both looked into each others eyes, internally apologizing for your behaviour towards each other. "I'm so sorry for walking out like that. I should've hear you out. Y-You have no idea how worried I was today when I saw you. Tell me what happened, Y/N? Hobi...t-told me that there's not enough time and I got worried even more." He said on the verge of crying as you hugged him tightly. "P-Please, don't tell me you're dying, Y/N? Is that why you're going to leave in a year? Will you not be here anymore?" He asked, breaking your heart into pieces. You felt your shirt getting wet indicating he's crying. "N-No, Jinnie. I'm not dying, don't worry about that, hum?" Kissed his shoulder area. "T-Then what is it?" You took a deep breath as you pulled away from the hug. You took his hands in yours, looking up to look into his eyes. "I-I'm pregnant with your baby, Jin!"

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