Chapter Thirty Six

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It's the big day.
I wake early, too excited to sleep in more. Severus and I went to Malfoy Manor last night since they were more than happy to hold the ceremony in their large back yard. Narcissa, and Lucius have been working 24/7 making sure that arrangements are being met with the decorations, guests list, and plenty of other things that I never knew a wedding consisted of. Which makes me so much happier that I have people helping me who know what they're doing.
They also insisted that Severus and I sleep in different rooms and not see each other until I'm walking down the isle. We both agreed, thinking it would make it so much more special. In the bathroom, I splash cold water on my face to get rid of the puffy circles under my eyes and to wake myself up more before going down for breakfast.
Once downstairs, I find the Malfoy's cleaning up, leaving my plate on the counter next to Draco's. He appears a minute after I do.
He says while rubbing his eyes, his tone groggy.
"Morning sleepy head."
I say before taking a bite of sausage.
"After breakfast, we will start on your makeup and hair."
I look up to the sound of Narcissa's gentle tone. I nod in reply as I continue to eat. As excited as I am I keep my eating slow, not trying to choke on the day of my wedding. Once we finish eating, Draco takes my plate as well as his to clean in the sink. I head off to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair to make it easier for it to be styled. I find myself in Narcissa's and Lucius' bedroom. My gown hanging in a white boutique bag on the closet door. I follow Narcissa to the chair in front of her vanity, staring at all the different kinds of bottles and palettes.
Over the next few hours, I've had stuff rubbed on my face, blush dabbed onto my cheeks, my eyeliner being done and then redone after I blinked, messing it up, false lashes being glued over my own, then lipstick, causing great difficulty to drink water. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, my makeup is finished. Narcissa allowed for a short break, for stretching, bathroom usage, and to greet Luna who offered to do my hair before she joins the rest of the guests downstairs later on. The three of us chat for a little before Narcissa leaves us, making sure her husband and son are getting ready and making sure last things are in order.
Luna works in silence, focusing very deeply on my hair. I can feel pins being pushed in all over the lower back of my head, holding my bun together. I settled on a very simple yet classy hair look. A low bun with a braid on the side, with a few strays hanging in the front to frame my face.
"All finished."
Says Luna, sounded satisfied and proud with her work. I look myself over in the mirror, holding back tears as to not mess up the masterpiece Narcissa did. So instead, I settle on a tight, love filled hug.
"Time for the dress!"
Luna exclaims, almost running for the closet door. I can't help but smile. All my nerves flying away and being replaced with joy.
I step slowly and carefully into the dress as Luna and Narcissa pull it gently up my frame. Once it's up, they begin the button up the back.
My dress is form fitting, with a medium length train. My sleeves are long, coming to a stop at my wrists. The ends of them are pure lace, coming to a point on my hand. The front has a v-neck dip but doesn't pass my breasts. The back is lace as well, exposing a bit of my back through a mesh layer, this is what won me over when I was dress shopping. All that was left was the veil which Luna slipped into my bun using a clip that Narcissa gave me as an early wedding present. As Luna was getting my heels from their box, a knock on the door sounded.
"May I come in?"
Asks Lucius.
I say excitedly as my dress is being help up by Luna, allowing space to slip my feet into the shoes.
"You look wonderful. You father would be very proud."
He says, wiping a tear from his cheek. In all my many years of knowing Lucius, I have only seen him cry once before this.
"It's almost time you two. We're going ahead to take our seats."
Says Narcissa before retreating with Luna to the awaiting crowd outside. I inhale deeply and exhale, trying to slow my now racing heart. The gentle melody to A Thousand Years begins to play.
Asks Lucius.
"Yes, just don't let me fall."
I say, taking his arm.
My heart stops as we round the corner. All my closest friends and people I call my family stand there, watching with large smiles. And most of all Severus.
He's standing at the alter, with Draco, Blaise and soon to be Lucius behind him. On the other side stands Luna, and Narcissa. A spot empty that I wish was filled by Bellatrix.
His eyes light up when he sees me, almost collapsing with glee, Draco grabbing him in time. Tears are streaming down all three of their faces.
Lucius hands me over to Severus before taking his spot behind Blaise. My hand is placed gently on top of Severus' hand, he pulls me carefully up the one step, joining him.
"Friends, and family. We are gathered here today
to witness the glorious union of Severus Snape and Lilith Riddle. Please repeat after me."
Speaks the officiant, looking at Severus.
"I, Severus Snape, take you Lilith Riddle."
My hearts flips as I listen to Severus repeat the vows.
"To have and to hold."
"For better or for worse."
"For richer, or poorer."
"In sickness and in health."
"To love."
"To cherish."
"I do."
"I do."
We both say, being lost in each other's eyes.
Severus leans down and our lips connect. The way I feel cannot be put into words. It was pure ecstasy, euphoria.
The afternoon rolls into early evening after the reception. Severus and I sit down and enjoy a drink after we've had our first dance. Once all the gentleness of the ceremony wears off, everyone is on the floor, dancing. Blaise and Luna in one corner while Draco and Astoria are in another. Narcissa and Lucius slips away after their dance before coming to find Draco, Severus and I.
"Come with us. There's a final gift I have for you two and for you Draco."
Speaks Lucius.
"But father, it's their wedding day. I shouldn't be getting any gift."
Replies Draco, looking as confused as we are.
"Stop fussing. Let's go."
Narcissa says cheerfully as they lead us back inside to their library. We come to a halt outside of the door. They smile at us before pushing open the double doors. What we see inside is something out of a I've had many times.
I exclaim.
"Bellatrix?! Barty!"
Cries Draco. All of us are frozen in shock, not sure if we're hallucinating or not.
"Come here kiddo."
Says my father. I don't hesitate, holding up the trim of my dress as I run towards him. His arms wide open, catching me as I jumped into them. I feel Draco running into the arms of his aunt and our best friend. We join for a group hug and stay together for a while before letting go.
"Let's get to dancing."
Says Bellatrix. We all follow her out into the yard again. Joining everyone else on the floor.
The rest of the night goes by faster than I had hoped for. We danced, drank until we had a buzz, ate, and danced again. By 11pm that night, I was back in the Malfoy's bathroom, changing out of my wedding gown and into a shorter dress, one for travel. Severus arranged the honeymoon, refusing to tell me anything, not even a clue as to where we're going. I walk side by side with Severus as we head towards a car that Lucius got from the ministry. I give my father another tight hug before saying bye.
"Have fun!"
"Please be careful!"
"I love you hun."
I hear more comments as I pass by my friends, all wishing us a great honey moon and more congratulations. The driver had already loaded up the trunk with our suitcases. Severus and I climb in, waving to our friends through the window as we drive away. I rest my head on his shoulder, wondering where we are going. I feel his head rest on top of mine. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment as we head towards our future as Mr. and Mrs. Snape.

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