Chapter Thirty Five

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It's Thursday morning. All my trunks are packed, clothes folded neatly inside. Books shoved wherever I could fit them. All my other belongings sit neatly inside a smaller luggage. The only things I take with me are my owl, who is asleep under their wing inside their cage, and my cat, who's cleaning her paws in her carrier. I find Blaise and Draco waiting for me in the common room, also carrying their owl cages.
Down At Hogsmeade's station, students are running all over the place, making sure they have all their stuff while others are fighting to find spots to sit. Luna has now found us as we take our usual seats in the last train cart, the very end booth is where we've sat for years.
Most of the ride back consisted of usual conversations and jokes. Once we became too tired to talk, we took turns dozing and then for the last hour, we each opened a book and read.
"Platform 9 3/4, 5 minutes. Please be ready to depart."
The conductor spoke clearly through the announcement system. We closed our books and slid them back into our travel bags before collecting our pet carriers. Draco informed us that his father will be sending two Ministry cars to pick us up and bring us home. Since Blaise and Luna live in the same area. They will be going together while Draco and I take the other car.
The four of us exchange hugs and promises of letter writing and hangouts before departing in different directions to our cars. Once our luggage has been packed, we climb inside and relax. The two hour drive is always an enjoyable experience. Seeing different parts of the city and then pure countryside was always something we looked forward to.
"Can you believe you're getting married in a week Lilith?"
Draco asks after a few moments silence.
" I still feel like I'm in a dream. I never thought I'd see the day if I'm being truthful."
I reply back.
Draco squeezes my knee gently as ways to saying I'm proud of you. We share a small laugh. He stares out of the window, while smiling at himself.
Both of us wake up at the sound of the driver opening the trunk. I rub my eyes and take a look outside. We're outside my fathers manor. I watch as Severus runs from the front door to the car.
"I'll take those."
I hear him say.
With a small flick of his wand, my trunks and suitcases float to the house, disappearing through the front door.
"I'll send you an owl once I'm home. I know Blaise and Luna will do the same."
Says Draco as we wrap our arms around each other.
"Okay Draco. I'll talk to you soon."
I let go and we separate slowly.
"I know you're in good hands Lil. I won't have to worry too much now."
Draco playfully punches me in the arm before I turn towards the house.
"Oh darling!"
Severus wraps his arms around me, lifting me into the air and planting a kiss on my cheek.
"Get a room you two!"
We both turn to find Draco yelling out of the back window. We burst into hysterics.
"We have multiple! It'll be hard to pick just one!"
I shout back as the car turned around the bend. Draco made a face but then laughed as he closed the window.
"I have a late lunch ready for you in the kitchen."
Says Severus as we walk up the passage way to the front door. I never realized how hungry I was until he mentioned food.
After I finished eating the sandwich he made we settled down in the living room and turned on the television. Something my father purchased one day after he discovered how enjoyable a television was.
"Are you nervous?"
Asks Severus from beside me. His finger tips drawings circles on my thigh.
"You mean, about the ceremony next week?"
I ask.
"No. I was at the beginning but now I'm more excited than anything. Are you?"
He turns his face away, his fingers come to a halt.
"Just a little.."
Severus replies, still looking away.
"Darling? What's making you nervous? Do you want a smaller friend group?"
I sit up, facing him.
"No it's not that. I'm just scared that I won't be a good husband to you. That I might do it wrong."
He looks up at me now, eyes forlorn.
"You'll be a fantastic husband. You're already an absolutely amazing boyfriend. You have to remember, I'm not very experienced in the dating life myself. We will work through it together."
His eyes sparkle with my answer.
"You really think so?"
He asks.
His cheeks begin to flush a light pink, and the corners of his mouth turn upward, creating a beautiful, wide smile.
"I love you."
Severus says, taking my face in his hands, bringing it closer to him.
"I love you."
As the three words leave my lips, Severus pulls me into him. Our lips finding each other instantly, like a magnet would. His hands move up and down, all over my back. My hands are intertwining I'm his dark hair.
My heart beats loud enough that I'm convinced he can hear it. We have 7 days until I can call him my husband. 7 days until we say our forever's to each other. Just 7 days left until I get to be with my best friend for the rest of my life.

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