Chapter Twenty One

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The week went by faster then expected.
Blaise and Draco both scored an A+ on their Star Charts, as did I. By the end of the week everyone in Herbology was able to list and name the uses for the Bouncing Bulb.
Potions went back to normal for me. Instead of Professor Snape ignoring me and never calling on me to answer anything, he had me help him show demonstrations of uses of certain potions. I noticed a smile when he saw I was wearing his presents.
The boys got a head start on their planned weekend by going to Malfoy Manor. Luna is helping Harry study for their Care of Magical Creatures exam they have the following Tuesday.
I decided to call it an early night since my nerves are on edge to get tomorrow started.
The next morning I woke up at 11:00am, not realizing I overslept. My body is finally getting the sleep it needs.
After I shower, I spend the next few hours doing my hair and working on my makeup. It's still snowing so I go with black tights that have spider webs on them, with two layers of leg warmers, both of different lengths, a black and brown skirt and a black long sleeve. I grab my coat, gloves, and matching scarf. I tie my Mary Janes over my socks before checking the time.
It's 2:40.I open my window and begin my trip to Severus'.
My feet make a faint crunch as I walk through the snow to his front door. The snow is beginning to fall more heavily now than it was when I first left. The wind picks up, causing me to hug my coat on tighter. I knock twice.
The door opens halfway and I find Severus wearing black plaid pajama pants with a thick black sweater.

"Please, come in."
He says, holding the door open for me.

He has his fireplace lit, along with some candles throughout the living room to ensure our warmth.

"Would you like tea or hot chocolate?"
He says as he closes and locks the door.

"Hot chocolate please."
I say. I drop down onto my knees in front of the fire place to warm myself up faster.Severus disappears around the corner to get our drinks.

He hands me a mug before sitting on the floor next to me.

"How was your break?"
He asks.

"It was fine. I spent it with Draco and his family. And you?"

"If I wasn't at Hogwarts watching the kids who stayed, I was here."

"Did you get any presents?"
I ask, curious. My heart sinks quickly when I realize I didn't get him anything.

"Oh yes. A few from the other Professor's, some from the Malfoy's, and Bellatrix. Your father as well."

"That's good. My father is always a gift giver."
I let out a small laugh.

"One entire shelf is dedicated to the works your father has gifted me over the years. He knows I'm an avid reader."
He turns and points towards the third to last shelf of books. I recognize almost all from over the years.

"I recognize some. I remember helping my father pick that green one out for you."
I say as I slowly stand up, walking to the shelf.

"I was gifted that one almost fifteen years ago. You were merely a child."
His eyebrow raises in confusion.

"I was the one who recommended this one actually, now that I recall the title. I read this myself."
I pull the book from the shelf, carefully opening it, not to damage it.

"You must be confused. You're probably thinking of that other one, the one next to it. That I was gifted two years ago."
Severus has now joined me at my side.

"I should explain now. You'll understand what I mean afterwards, but yet again you may not look at me the same way."
I close the book, sliding it into the empty spot where I recovered it from.

Severus takes two steps back, away from me. His face is full of curiosity and also fear, not sure of the words that will come out of my mouth next.

"Oh. That's right. We should sit then."
He extends his arm, creating a path for me to take the seat across from him.

"As you know, my father, born Tom Riddle was born in 26'."
I begin with.

"Yes, and he created the Horcruxes to keep him alive."
Severus continues.

"That's correct. Now, this is where it'll get confusing but also shocking. For you, at least."
I watch as he sits quietly, waiting for me to continue.

"In 1944, when my father was 18, he wed and his wife, Isabella Riddle, gave birth to me."
Severus' expression doesn't change, he doesn't say anything.

"As you also know, my poor mum passed away a few hours after my birth. Fast forward, I'm now 16. I'm a student at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. This is around the time I'm working with dark magic. Helping my father create the rest of the Horcruxes and other possible ways of immortality."
I take a few sips of my hot chocolate before it gets cold.

"Many years later, when my father met Lucius and Narcissa, and the rest of the Black family, there was discussion of them having a child. Draco of course. During this time, I was also experimenting with aging spells and potions. I had finally created one of my own to manipulate my aging. Meaning, I can decide how old I want to be, for as long as I want."

"I decided to go back to being 17. I had the most fun during this year my first time around. It brought back many happy memories. This is when Barty Crouch Jr. comes into this. We met one day when I was in Knockturn Alley. Picking some items up for my father. We've been close ever since."

"In 1983, I decided to begin again. I used my aging potion to become the same age as my dearest companion, my best friend. Back to age three. This brought my father great joy since he couldn't have anymore children. He never wanted to marry again after my mum. I attended Hogwarts when I got my letter, along with Draco. And now we're here."

I look up and find Severus looking content within the story I've told him. I give him some time for it to truly sink in. It took a few days before Draco and Blaise had any form of reaction to this when I first told them. Their expressions were priceless.

"How old are you really then?"
He asks.

"I would be 52."

"When did you decide to tell Draco and Blaise?"

"Year four. Draco's parents have known but they wanted me to tell him myself. I decided to tell Blaise at the same time as well. I didn't tell Luna until year five."

"Does anyone else use or want to use these spells to become like you and your father?"

"Bellatrix for starters. She's 37. Mr. And Mrs. Malfoy. They have been 33 and 35 for a while. Draco wants to use it after we've graduated, as for Blaise and Luna. They're comfortable how they are now. I'm happy for them."

"I have one last question Lilith and then we can do something else."
He places his mug down on the small table in front of us.

"Ask away Severus. I'll answer any questions you have."

"How does one go about this? What I mean is, how does the process work, if I wanted to join you?"

My heart races as I knew deep down this would be something he could possibly ask for. I don't want this kind of heartache for him. Watching the people he was close to grow old and pass on, losing the memories he shared with them. Our eyes meet as I think deeper into this.

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