Chapter Six

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As I approach my fathers manor, a home to which I hold many memories, greets me happily. I slip in through an open upper window, slipping right into his office. The smoke fades away and my arm drops around me as I pull my robe down. My school uniform shirt is now grey with dirt. My father turns around in his chair, completely shocked at my unannounced arrival. Draco's aunt, Bellatrix, who is standing in front of his book shelf, also looks confused. After the realization hits her, she opens her arms wide, embracing me within them.

"Darling! What on earth are you doing here? Did someone hurt you?!"

"Now now Bella. I'm alright."

The anger disappears from her face when she knows I'm okay. She squeezes tightly one more time before backing away. She brushes a strand of my hair away from my face and tucks it behind my ear before sitting down on my fathers loveseat.

"My dear daughter...What brings you to me today?"

"It's an urgent matter father."

"Is it to do with these visions you suffer from?"

I inhale and let out my breath.

"Yes. Father, you need to stop this upcoming war. It only ends in defeat and death. I witnessed so many people I care about die. One being you, as well Bella."

My father stands up, walks around his desk and holds out his hand to me.

"Show me, my dear."

I place my hand in his. His hand lays cold as it's been for many years, never having much warmth. I wait for my father to close his eyes before I close my own. As much as I fear seeing this vision again, I center all my focus around it, bringing it forth and transferring it to his mind.

*Lilith's Vision*
Ron and Hermione lay atop of rubble from the broken, torn down building that was a part of Hogwarts. Nagini picking up speed as she approaches the pair. Ron wraps his arm around Hermione, preparing for their final moments. As Nagini opens her mouth, showing her long, razor sharp fangs, Neville runs up from behind. The sword he grips between his hands now slices through Nagini's neck, her body breaks apart and becomes nothing but black smoke, disappearing from existence.
It now fades and creates a new room. Severus stands tall and confident as he talks to someone. It seems quite ordinary for a few minutes as the conversation commences.
Silence falls between the two, and an arm zooms past Severus' face. Blood slowly seeps through Severus' white collar. His body drops to the floor, colliding with the window behind him. More and more blood flows from the wound that wraps around his neck.
From the outside we see the outline of his body leaning against the smoky glass. Multiple hits to his body can be heard as it causes him to jerk back with every slash. Whoever stands on the other side of the attack leaves.
Back inside, I drop to my knees in front of Severus. My hands applying pressure to his neck. Tears fall from his face.
"I..I lo-ve you."
He manages to say. His hand lifts up, pointing to his eyes. I pull a small vial from my bag, resting it against his now pale skin, collecting as many tears he's able to give. I stick the cork back on the top, putting my other hand back on his neck. His large hand falls on my wrist, he gently grips it.
He looks up at me, seeing all the tears falling from my eyes and smiles a very small yet reassuring smile. His eyelids flicker as he tries his hardest not to let them close but fails. His eyes shut and his head drops to the side. One last breath escapes between his lips.
What's left of the Great Hall is being used to hold the injured and dead. You see students sitting in shock, while others cry as they mourn the loss of their best friends. You can see the Weasley family standing around a body that's under a blanket. Ron collapses and lets out a loud cry when he sees his brother Fred. Stone cold, never to be warm again. Ron tucks the blanket deeper around Fred to make him comfortable. Harry holds Ginny as she cries into his shoulder. George and Molly both wrap their arms around me. George's embrace very tight, as he has lost his best friend, and a brother.
On the seats of the Great Hall, a duel breaks out after Bellatrix sends a killing curse that just missed Ginny, the Weasley's only daughter. Bellatrix can be seen taunting the Weasley's about their sons death, causing Molly to come forward. Her wand is outstretched in front of her, sending many different hex's and curses in Bella's direction. Bellatrix, being an expert dueler, manages to block them all, except for one.
Molly sends a single curse at Bella, her body freezing and shriveling up. Another light emits from the end of Mrs. Weasley's wand, hitting Bella directly in the heart, killing her instantly. Her body shatters like a broken mirror.
The last shows none other than Harry Potter and Voldemort outside, in the middle of a duel. Two different colored lights shoot out straight in front of them from their wands. They both push harder and harder, in hopes the other one will give in, even a little bit. To leave just enough time to hit them with a curse.
Harry manages to hit Voldemort with a small spell, causing the Elder want to slip from his fingers and fall into Harry's.
Harry throws out a single curse, hitting Voldemort in the chest. He begins to scream, a long, pain filled cry, as his body begins to flake awake like old wallpaper.
The pieces float away into the sky until there's nothing left besides the echo of his final cry.
Cold air is felt as my father pulls away from my mind. We open our eyes and his instantly fall to the floor. A faint sniffle comes from him.


He lifts his head up and looks at Bellatrix and back to me. His eyes are glossy and he allows the smallest tear to escape from his eye. He quickly collects his composure before speaking.

"For you...I'll do anything."

My arms wrap around his torso. Embracing him with my warmth. I feel his arms fall around my back.

"Thank you."

I feel him rest his head on top of mine. After a minute we both let go.

"Bellatrix, please send owls out. I'm calling for a meeting. Tonight."

"Yes, my Lord."

Bellatrix leaves the room to begin her small task. My father sits back down in his desk chair and sighs. I know what he's about to do won't be easy. But deep down, I know some of them will be happy.

"I would like for you to join tonight's meeting dear."

"Of course father."

I walk up and rest myself next to him, leaning up against the side of his desk. We face the giant window he has behind him. We watch the glass fog as the rain begins to fall. Thunder can be heard and lightning is seen in the distance.

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