Chapter 58: A True Confrontation

Start from the beginning

"Family friends?" I repeated back innocently. "Right, you want to know what I did to one of those so called family friends I had at home? I broke a her leg. Twice."

Draco up and walked away from me for a moment, muttering who knows what before turning around again, showcasing the obvious: that he was absolutely done with me.

"You parade that fact around like it's a prize. Has a year gone by since I've known you where you haven't brought that story up?"

"Oh please! It's you who can't seem to separate your family life from your personal life!"

"What's there to separate?" He demanded. "My family is my personal life! If that means I have to deal with Nott's bloody antics, so be it! My father trusts me, and I will do anything I can to look after my mother. So by all means, judge me as a coward! Add it to the list of things you've called me."

"I'll add another," I said, not winding down. Draco waved me on expectantly with true sarcasm. 

"It's obvious that from the start you knew what I was getting into. You knew my father was a death eater—how else could he have gotten into that lot if it wasn't for your father? And yet you never told me!"

"It's not my fault you couldn't' see what was going on under your nose," he snapped. "And I warned you-"

"You did not!"

"At the Quidditch World Cup. After we ran away from your brothers. I showed you your father's exacerbation into the Death Eaters. It was his first rites if you will, and I told you-"

"You did not tell me my father was a damn death eater, Draco!"

"Well I wasn't going to go up and tell you in a matter of words. If your father doesn't trust you, that's his play—"

I scoffed loudly, and paced again across the classroom, blocking out his words. He knew he was in the wrong. There was nothing more he could say that would tell me otherwise. I turned around and saw him watching me, his hands were braced against one of the desk that he had been looking down on until now.

"Anything else?" He questioned, as if asking for trouble. I stopped short and didn't break eye contact.

"All this year, when we were together..." I paused, feeling my brain catching up to what I was throwing out into words. Across the room, Draco relaxed a fraction before I continued.  "Your father was writing to you with news. News about all of this, wasn't he?"

Draco shook his head, and there was an urgency in his eyes that told me to an extent he was telling the truth.

"He doesn't tell me about work. Not like that," He assured.

"But you did know what I was getting into when I left you on Umbridge's floor," I pointed out, feeling myself begin to pace again. "I saw you, you were trying to warn me."

"Not to go run off with that no good gang of Gryffindors!" he exclaimed, throwing his arm out to the side to express his point. "Why you always end up following Potter into the trouble he creates I will never understand—"

"Oh no you don't," I said, cutting him off. "I won't fall for that again," I went on, taking a step closer. "Your thoughts do not just revolve around me. I'm not like Pansy where I need such validation," I went on hastily. "You knew. I don't how you knew but you did. And if I were to gander here, I would think you wanted to come."

"You're barking mad," He muttered, dropping his head between his arms. "You really are—"

"Then explain to me this," I started, walking up until I was standing opposite him and the desk. "How did you know Harry was about to get into so much trouble? For all you know we were just running to stop Umbridge. If we won, there would be no more headmistress for a few hours and I doubt you would have worried as much over that. And if we failed, I would have ended up expelled with the same punishment I was already charged with in that office. But you knew I was about to go to the ministry. You must have known Harry's godfather was being tortured or—"

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