Chapter 56: I am my Father's Daughter

Start from the beginning

"Hide," Harry whispered in my direction, being the only one still standing. I looked around quickly as the incoming steps came closer. I spotted at two floor-to-ceiling bookshelves separated by the corner of the room. I jumped over one of the desks and sucked in to my smallest before shimming between the shelves, finding refuge in the small corner space.

A breath had barely escaped me when the slow creaking of a door opening broke the silence. Two figures in black followed in, wands out as they slowly maneuvered their way into the room.

Their movements were so in sync to one another, I had the oddest feeling they had done something like this before.

My heart felt like a humming bird trying to evacuate through my throat, making it hard to breath. But I didn't dare clear my throat. Nor did I let myself gasp as one of the figures appeared right in front of me.

But his back was turned.

"Check under the desks-"


It was Harry's voice and it caused the death eater in front of me to race forward while the other one cursed and pushed the desk back, revealing Harry.


Before the death eater could finish the spell, Harry had lurched forward, tackling the man at the knees while Neville leapt at the death eater closer to me. Hermione, who was hiding under a desk further away, moved to follow and yet all I could do was stand stock still.

It wasn't until I saw Neville get thrown into the bookshelf next to me that I was jolted forward out of my hiding spot, wand at the ready.

The death eater retreating from Neville saw me coming and reflexively rose his wand but Hermione was faster, sending a stunning curse at his side.

The death eater dropped back, crashing into the liquid globe of portable wind. But instead of the globe bursting under his weight, the death eater's head slowly fell into the liquid while the rest of the body reacted according to the nature of gravity.

In the middle of the room, Harry was still wrestling with the last death eater on the floor. Hermione moved to stop it before pausing, waiting for the opportunity to stun the death eater.

But the death eater and Harry were wrestling for Harry's wand and neither were letting up.

I advanced toward the two cautiously while watching them fight. In a house of brothers, rough housing was common place. And one of the best ways to break up such an entanglement was to inflict pain bad enough to make one flinch.

With all my strength I took aim and kicked the death eater right in the lower back, bruising a kidney or two in the process.

The death eater did more than flinch. He recoiled from me and contracted back while Harry pushed himself away from the screaming death eater.

Hermione finished him off with another stunning spell, making the room go silent.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked, turning to Harry. He was sporting a busted lip and his glasses were askew but otherwise he was fine and said as much. Neville on the other hand was just getting up from where he crashed when we had finished off the last death eater. And he was sporting more than just a busted lip.

"Erm sorry," Neville sputtered out over a mouth full of blood. His nose was without a doubt broken from the blow. The pain of it was making him choke up.

"Oh Neville..." Hermione began but I was already by his side looking for the point of the break of his nose.

"Ib's fine," he said, waving me away, but I ignored his complaints and drew my wand.

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