Chapter 16 - The Song.

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One would think Harry or Louis would have told the rest about the situation and how Louis isn't staying at his own apartment anymore but of course they never told anyone.

So Liam had gone to Louis' place and now he's calling wondering where he's at.

"I'm out, can't I enjoy the fresh air?", Louis complained over the phone. He had the most annoyed expression Harry has ever seen. They were sleeping in, enjoying the warm bed together when Louis' phone began ringing and never stopped even after the both of them ignored it the first few times. "Yes Liam, I woke up early and went out why are you so surprised?", Harry chuckled beside him in which Louis quickly shushed him. "No I don't know anything about Harry", Louis rolled his eyes a small smile on his face. "Yes I'm sure, god you sound like a mum".

"Wait!", Louis was left on heard practically as Liam hung up on him. "I think he's gonna call you", Louis warned Harry looking for his phone. And in just a second, Harry's phone started ringing and they both laughed in union, "Hello Liam", Harry answered with a smile. "Yeah I just woke up", Harry nodded to whatever Liam was saying stealing glances at Louis who watched with interest. "No I don't know where Louis is", Harry replied with a smirk. "Liam I obviously have never lied to you", Harry rolled his eyes playfully, "Obviously".

Louis chuckled knowing the lie was too obvious. "No I'm not laughing", Harry said more louder as Louis began laughing. Harry covered Louis' mouth in attempt to shut him up and muffle the laughs. "Seriously Liam, don't know where he is. Maybe ask Niall", Harry's hand was still over Louis' mouth even after the laughs calmed down and he took this opportunity to lick Harry's palm. "You shithead", Harry loudly whispered to Louis as he began laughing again. "No Liam I'm sorry that wasn't meant for you", Harry quickly apologized to Liam on the phone. "I'm talking to myself!", Harry kept defending his words, "Yes Liam I'm insane. I gotta go now bye!", Harry quickly hung up as he sang the bye to Liam.

"Holy shit that was priceless!", Louis said between laughs. Harry rolled his eyes but laughed anyways. God they're both terrible at lying and Liam is too good at pushing the truth out. "Do you think he bought it?", Louis asked now, "Definitely... not".

They sat on the bed now staring at the white sheets on them, calming down their cheeks that were stretched out just a minute ago from laughing and smiling. Although their little cuddle session was interrupted, they didn't mind as they still have each other and the rest of the day.

The silence was interrupted as Harry's phone rang again catching them both by surprise. Harry took his phone on his hand as Louis leaned on his shoulder checking who's the caller, which read: Zayn.

"Hi Zayn", Harry answered calmer than before. "Liam's worried?", Harry repeated Zayn's words as he turned to Louis. "You have a conspiracy?", Harry furrowed his eyebrows and Louis had to cover his mouth again to stop himself from laughing. Harry sighed and smiled, "Fine. Yes Louis is here with me", he admitted and Louis raised his eyebrows caught with surprise. "Since a week ago", Harry answered.

Exactly a week ago. Louis practically moved in with Harry and none of the boys knew. It was a fun secret which wasn't even meant to be a secret in the first place, it just happened to be one. It felt nice though.

"Hold on", Harry warned as he put his phone up in the air and leaned closer to Louis, "Do you want Zayn to tell the others? Well more like Niall and Liam since they've been wondering the most", Harry whispered and Louis nodded slowly. Might as well.

"Okay. Yeah. Sure", Harry answered drily wanting the call to be over with, "Zayn No it's not like that", he quickly said as he tried to lower his voice. "You're a dickhead", Harry chuckled and hung up proudly.

Louis had his eyebrows raised and waited for Harry to explain a little more in detail. "It's nothing, he's just going to tell the others. So much for lying about ten minutes ago", Harry sighed. "It was fun and Liam hates secrets so that made it more entertaining", Louis said getting up from the bed and fixing his bed hair.

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