Chapter 7 - The Day After.

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Harry woke up by his loud alarm ringing straight into his ear. He ran his hand over his face before shutting the alarm off.

He remained on his bed staring at the ceiling; he feels dead, numb, soulless.

Suddenly he remembered Louis is also in his apartment and now he wonders how Louis is probably feeling twenty times worse than him.

Harry groaned as he got up from the bed putting back on the shirt he threw off last night.

Without thinking, he walked to the bathroom with his eyes half closed closing the door behind him.

He positioned himself in front of the sink quickly splashing cold water on his face later stumbling backwards to dry his hands on a small towel that hangs behind him.

His feet stumbled against something on the floor causing Harry to walk backwards until his back hit the sink. His eyes fell to the floor eyeing Louis' body laying on the cold tiles.

He stood there staring at the sleeping boy before confusion started kicking in.

Why was Louis sleeping in the bathroom? On the floor? I mean, at least he is sleeping right?

Harry's eyes left the boy before he stared at him again. It's only right to wake him up but what if he just fell asleep right now? They have class soon anyway... maybe he can let Louis skip today? Fuck.

He decided he'd shake him up lightly only enough for Louis to hear what he has to say.

Louis groaned, moving his head to the side while scrunching his eyes. Louis then relaxed again and Harry shook him again.

"What?", Louis finally said in a harsh tone, he had brought his hands closer to his chest probably feeling the cold tiles below him.

"Are you coming to class?", Harry asked quickly before Louis would go back to sleep.

Louis only furrowed his eyebrows with an unpleasant look on his face, "No".

Harry sighed and whispered an okay to Louis although he most likely went back to sleep again.

He left the bathroom door open this time and went to his room to change for the day ahead.

He assumed it'd be fine if Louis stayed, he needs a couple more hours of sleep and who knows when that next time will be.

Harry dressed comfortably since it's a Friday and he could care less about his looks when all he's done lately is stress.

As he got his stuff ready, he walked back to the bathroom stopping in front of Louis' body, "Going now...".

He stared at the body feeling stupid because Louis isn't listening but he felt the need to warn him anyways.

Harry closed his apartment door and walked out of the building making his way to uni.

At the gates he was greeted by Liam who was also walking in at the same time as him.

"How's Louis?", Liam asked looking behind Harry with a raised eyebrow.

"Sleeping", Harry answered while looking at Liam.

"So he's not coming?", Liam asked anyways even though he knew the answer. Harry only shook his head not wanting to speak so early in the morning.

Liam didn't ask any other question and walked beside Harry as they parted ways at some point.

He wonders if Liam knows about it but as he looks back into his memory, he can't ever remember seeing Louis with dark circles under his eyes.

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