Chapter 8 - The Mirror.

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Harry spent his Saturday cleaning up his apartment, he dreaded it not really wanting to get rid of Louis' scent that still lingered on the bed sheets in his guest room.

He walked to the bathroom with a new cloth beginning to wipe the counters and organize his belongings on it when the door bell rang.

His eyes looked up at the mirror questioning himself if he heard right but the bell rang again and he turned around leaving the cloth on the counter.

Harry wasn't expecting anybody coming by, at least not without a warning. He always hated when people interrupted his cleaning process and he also didn't know who would even show up at his place.

He unlocked the door slowly opening it up immediately catching the persons legs bouncing up and down. "Finally", they said with a laugh.

Harry looked up meeting the same blue eyes as yesterday, looking full of life.

Harry smiled and opened the door wider to take in all of his appearance, "Err— Just wanted to give you back your jumper", Louis said pushing the jumper into Harry's hands.

"I kind of didn't want to— because I didn't wash it so please wash it before you... put it away", Louis began rambling and Harry only smiled wider, his cheeks beginning to hurt.

Louis smiled too noticing Harry's face, "Thanks, surprised you came back around". Louis nodded looking down at the ground, "Yeah, just doing what's right".

Louis stood in front of Harry still staring at his own shoes while silence began surrounding them, "Um— Want to come in or do you have plans?", Harry asked motioning inside his apartment.

Those blue eyes looked up again into Harry's before drifting off inside his place, "If you don't mind", he replied with a smile. Harry nodded and backed away so Louis could enter.

"Was just cleaning around so hope you don't mind", Harry said closing the door and walking behind Louis. "I can help", he turned around catching Harry's shocked face.

"You want to clean around instead of sitting pretty on the couch?", Harry chocked out causing Louis to smile. "You're saying I'll look ugly while cleaning?", Louis replied with a chuckle.

Harry ignored his question and walked over to the bathroom he was at before, "So what can I do?", Louis said catching up with Harry. "Uh— Clean?", Harry replied with a laugh causing Louis to roll his eyes.

"Get out, it's only fair I clean the bathroom. I slept here", Louis said grabbing a hold of Harry's shoulders and walking him out of the bathroom. "You're kicking me out of my own bathroom?", Harry quickly said. Louis nodded, "Yes so go do something else sunshine".

Harry stared at Louis for a second before Louis shooed him away with his hands. He rolled his eyes obeying Louis' order.

He caught sight of the living room, seeing the misplaced pillows everywhere, the coffee table was completely covered in rubbish and well, the rug also needed some attention.

Harry is still speechless that Louis is literally helping him clean his own apartment. He has the whole day for himself and he is spending it doing this with him?

"Harry come quickly!", Louis screamed out. Harry now stood up straight automatically walking over to the bathroom.

Louis was stood on top of the toilet looking down at the floor with wide eyes, "Under the rug! Harry I swear I'm gonna shit myself", he said in a tone so quickly, it took a while for Harry to understand before he bent down picking up the rug.

A little cockroach came out running towards the toilet causing Louis to scream, "Harry fucking hell kill it!", Harry laughed while trying to look for something to kill it with, "Hurry!", Louis cried out.

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