Chapter 12 - The Lazy Saturday.

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Harry woke up first feeling too hot under the duvet and also because Louis was completely on top of him now.

He should of taken off his jumper the night before but, it was chilly and Louis also needed more warmth.

His eyes went down to Louis' head that still rested on his stomach, his arms were around his waist and one of his legs were interlocked with Harry's.

Harry let out a sigh slowly moving his hand up and down Louis' back. He had no idea where his phone is and no idea when Louis will wake up.

He tried escaping Louis' grasp but Louis only held him in place stronger while letting out a groan.

Louis' face was now into view and Harry can see his closed eyes and thin lips as his face is completely relaxed against Harry's stomach.

Harry ran a hand through Louis' hair trying to tame it and smiling as he did so because Louis now showed a small smile on his face.

"You're distracting my sleep", Louis said lowly and muffled against Harry's stomach. "Rest", Harry replied with a chuckle still continuing to play with Louis' hair. Louis only sighed trying to push their bodies more closer together though it was impossible.

Harry thought he'd go back to sleep considering Louis wouldn't wake up any time soon. So he cuddled closer into Louis, still playing with his hair as he tried to find sleep.

A few moments later, Harry felt less weight on him and he wasn't feeling too hot anymore. His eyes opened slowly immediately noticing Louis' head isn't resting on him anymore and he isn't on the bed at all.

Harry sat up, rubbing his eyes as he adjusted his jumper before walking out of the room.

He heard sounds coming from the kitchen and the smell of food running up his nostrils. Harry caught sight of Louis by the stove, his back facing Harry.

Harry walked up to him sneaking a glance at the meal over Louis' shoulders which Louis immediately noticed him as he took a step to the side with a smile.

"Thought you were bad in the kitchen", Harry said teasingly, "I am but this is the one thing I'm an expert at", Louis replied continuing to cook. "What is it?".

Louis took a deep breath in as he responded, "Chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham with a side of homemade mash".

Harry chuckled and leaned over the counter still watching Louis, "Sounds good".

Louis nodded trying to ignore Harry as he focused on the meal in front of him which of course, he succeeded in and handed Harry his plate.

Harry moaned as he ate complimenting Louis with his cooking skills, "S'good, make me this everyday", Harry said with his mouth full. "Stop talking, you're gonna choke", Louis replied with a laugh.

They ate in silence, Harry found out it was a little past afternoon and Louis made no sign of leaving either. Which Harry was more than fine with.

As Harry finished his food, he picked up Louis' plate and walked towards the sink cleaning up the kitchen.

He felt Louis' forehead rest on his back and he smiled as he cleaned the dishes. "Did you sleep alright?", Harry asked after a while. "Yeah".

Harry nodded feeling relieved, "Do you know the reason why you can't sleep?", Harry asked carefully not wanting to cross a boundary.

"No, I guess I've always struggled with it but sometimes my mum would cuddle me... but she's not really here anymore so", Louis replied, his voice sounding a little muffled against Harry's back.

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