48 ❥ confrontation

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"It means that you've been acting like a dick ever since we've stepped into the cafe."

"No, I haven't."

"Yes, you have. You were literally giving our waiter a death glare because he was pouring your coffee 'too slow'." I explain.

"Alright, I'm sorry. I've just been really stressed. The boys haven't spoken to me ever since I told them I lost the card. I fucked everything up." He groans before burying his head in his hands.

"It was an honest mistake dude. Don't beat yourself up over it."

"You don't get it, man! I fucked up our chance of being signed to a record label!" He raises his voice which causes some people to look at us.

"Calm down Jess. You'll figure it out." I say before awkwardly patting him on the shoulder and walking out of the diner.

I wish we could go back to Hawaii.

When things were fucking normal.

I took out my phone to call Arya for the 7th time in the last three days.

Ever since our last phone call, she hasn't bothered calling or texting me and I'm starting to worry.

I know for a fact that that doctor said something to her that's made her distant all of a sudden.

I've tried going to the hospital and her job but she hasn't been to either.

I leave her another voicemail and send her a text before heading home.

"I swear this fucking dog likes you guys better than me." Axton scoffs.

As soon as I step out of the elevator I notice Alyssa, Ryan, and Oreo snuggled up on one side of the couch and Axton on the other.

"He's a lady's man." Alyssa laughs while rubbing the dog's belly.

"Traitor," Axton mutters.

"How did lunch go with Jess and Ash-" I quickly cover Axton's mouth.

I give him the "shut the hell up" look.

Alyssa doesn't know that I met up with Asher.

"Lunch with Jess was fine," I said quickly.

When I look down at Alyssa, she looks between Axton and me wearily before setting her attention back on the dog.

Axton nods his head towards the kitchen and I follow him.

"Dude!" I whisper-yell.

"Sorry! I forgot." He defends.

"Whatever. Lunch was fine. Asher looks like shit and he misses Alyssa like crazy."

"Makes sense. They're like best friends."

"Yeah. Did she say if she wanted to talk to him yet?" I ask.

"Nope. She's mainly been talking about how nervous she is about meeting her dad."


"Any news with Arya?" He asks.

"Ugh no. It's driving me crazy! I wish she would at least tell me if she were okay or not." I groan.

"Ryan told me that Arya has been distant with her too. So it's not just you. I think she just needs some space and the only thing you can do is give it to her. Stop calling her and wait for her to call you." He says.

"Yeah...you're right."

"Plus, school starts in a couple of days and I doubt Arya will miss class so you'll see her then."

"Yeah," I mumble and I feel him mess up my hair before heading back to the living room.

I need to hit the fucking gym.

Once we go back, football season will officially be starting.

This means less free time and more time in the weight room and running plays.

I can't fucking wait for the games.

The stands are full of the cheering student body.

Competing with top schools for the championship.

College scouts...


I forgot about that.

Sports are my only chance of going to college so I have to play my best.


"Hey!" I let out a quiet yelp.

"You scared me Lyss." I hold my chest.

"My bad." She laughs.

"What's up?"

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" She asks nervously.

"Uh sure. May I ask why?"

"I think Ryan and Axton want some...privacy."

"Oh god. Grab your jacket and we'll go."

She nods before heading up to her room.

"Try not to have a fucking kid while we're gone," I warn Axton and Ryan.

"Pfft says you Mr.30-pack of condoms." Ryan scoffs.

"Ha!" Axton laughs.

Alyssa comes down and we both make our way downstairs.

"I wanna show you something." She says before grabbing my wrist and dragging me down the street.

"Alyssa, slow down!" I laugh.

"Sorry." She giggles before letting me go.

"Where are we going anyway?"

"A garden that my mom used to take me to as a kid."

"Oh wow. I am honored."

I watch her suddenly stop, staring at something across the street.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh isn't that Arya?" She asks and I immediately whip my head and turn the other way.

"What the-"

It is Arya.


I clench my fists when I see him lean in for a hug and kiss her on the cheek.

So this is why she hasn't been replying to me.

Fuck my life.

-----------Author's Note----------

Uh oh...trouble in paradise for our favorite couple????

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!


-Word Count: 1654

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