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Love is a two way street
There is no unity without respect
Life is a hard lesson to learn
No textbooks or quickly courses
You have to learn the hard way

There is no yellow brick road
Life is ran in the fast lane
Desire is not the charm quark
The W Boson is heavier than we thought
Hang around the leptons because they rock

Maybe there is no such thing as time
Yet it seems to go faster when you're in a hurry
And drag on infinitely when you're not
Six decades is a long time to be together
Real love requires both respect and concern

Life is much easier when you laugh at your mistakes
There's always a better day out there somewhere
The Bosons take care of the heavy details
I should hear the wild wind blow
It'll be much better tomorrow

My wife and I are celebrating our anniversary today. That photo was taken on this date in 1962.
Holy ancient history, Batman!

Art et Poésie au Crayon Livre suivant (Art and Poetry with a Pencil Part 2)
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