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Over the last three weeks we'd gone for a run every Sunday after lunch. He was doing great and our sons had done their first shift with him. He'd been so excited to do it with them. They'd simply rolled around the nursery floor but he'd had tons of fun. But it was Sunday and he was supposed to meet me here by the back door for our run and he was late. I saw Allison come into the kitchen.

"Hey have you seen Devon?" I ask.

"Nope. I thought he was meeting you here for his run?"

"He's late."

"He's never late." I nod and head up to the nursery. He's not in there, our boys were with two of the enforcers in the living room so I knew they were fine. I go next door to our room and my heart and world stops as I see Devon sprawled on the floor.

"Dev?" I dart for him and pull him into my arms. "Devon? Little one?" His pulse was there, it was a little slow but he was alive. "Allison." I scream. Her running steps answer me. As soon as she's in the door I pick Devon up.

"Call the Doctor. I'll take him to the clinic."

"What happened?"

"I don't know. He was up here laying on the floor, out cold." She nodded and grabbed out her cell. After laying him out I get a cold rag and wipe his face.

"Devon, little one?" I try. I feel for his pulse again. It's stronger and steady. The doctor gets in and he's still not awake. She checks him all over then pulls a little blood.

"Well?" I prompt.

"He checks out. All his vitals are strong and steady. He probably passed out. Has he been eating regularly? Sleeping alright?" She asks me.

"He sleeps when the boys do. Insists on getting up with them through the night. Even if I'm up already he gets up. He eats alright. He's been skipping lunch the last few days says he's just not that hungry. What's the blood for?" I ask. She goes to the closet and gets out a pregnancy test. A few drops on the end and then looks at me.

"I told you to wait a year. Have any accidents? Missed condoms or broken ones?"

"No." I say trying to remember. Making love was sporadic.

"What about your run?" Allison says.


"Yeah like a month ago. Devon was all blushy when I teased him about the fact you mounted him on his first run." My eyes went wide as I remembered.

"Oh shit. I'd totally forgot about that." I flipped to look at the doctor. "So he's pregnant again?" She waves the test.

"Lets give it a few minutes." I'm holding his hand and worrying about my actions and the toll it would take on him to be pregnant again so soon. Alright, outside of the physical toll, my biggest thought was the haywire emotions. I wasn't sure I could take the weeks, months of crying. She steps up and hands me the test.

"It's positive. When was this run?"

"Three weeks ago."

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"Yes. He'll be alright though right?"

"He seems to be perfectly fine now. It might simply be, if he's skipping meals he's under nourished and low blood sugar. I'll do some tests on the blood I drew. Just sit here with him." I nod and sit in the chair Allison pulls up for me.

I'm holding his hand two hours later when he finally wakes. I've got DJ in my arms so I'm juggling him as I stand up.

"Devon? Devon little one?" he looks up at me.

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