Chapter 95

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"These will be beautiful memories to look at later,"  I said. "Yes," Alice said. The boys walked a few meters away from us. "Why are these boys so serious all the time?" Ava asked. I giggled. "I don't know," I said. "No, but like they are serious all the freaking time," Clare said. "They probably have a reason for that," I said. Like Alex, he has a deep reason.
"Oh, wow, look at the lovely cake," Alice said. I looked toward it. "We will go and sit down," Alice said. I nodded. They walked away. The cake is lovely.
I walked to Alex.
He looked at me.
"It's beautiful," I said while looking at the cake.
The guy gave us the big cake knife.
I grabbed it. I looked at him. I smiled. He smiled. He walked closer to me so he was standing beside me. He put his hand over my hand. We looked at the cake. We cut two pieces. He grabbed a plate. He put the cake on the plate. He gave it to me. "Thank you, sweetheart."
He grabbed another plate. He put the cake on it.
We let go of the knife. I grabbed my fork and cut a small piece. He grabbed a fork too. He cut a small piece too.
I put my fork in front of his mouth. He smirked. He put his in front of my mouth.
We both opened our mouths. We eat a small piece of cake. I giggled. We put the plates on and grabbed the glasses with champagne.
I placed my glass in front of his mouth. He smirked. He did the same. We drank from each other's glasses. We placed the glasses on the table.
The music started.
Everyone stood up. They started dancing. Uncle walked toward us. He stood in front of us. "Congratulations," he said with a smile. "Thank you, uncle," I said happily as I hugged him. He hugged me back. We backed back. "Thank you," Alex said to him. "I wish Mom and Dad were here though," I said sadly.
I wish dad could walk me down the aisle, and mom looking at us walking down together. It would be so lovely. I know they would be proud and happy for me.
My eyes filled with tears.
"I wish that too, but you have to know that they are so happy for you right now," he said. I smiled at him. "I'm going to sit, you guys have fun," he said. Alex looked at him. "Thank you, uncle, you too," I said. He walked away. Alex looked at me. I looked at him.
"Don't cry," he said. "I'm not crying," I said as I looked away. He walked closer to me.
He kissed me on the cheek. I looked at him as I smiled.
I'm glad I have someone like Alex beside me. He makes me so strong and happy.
The boys came. "Congratulations," Elijah said. "Thank you," I said with a smile.
I looked at the girls.
They are laughing and having fun. I giggled. A song got on. The song that reminds Alex of me.
"Bella," I heard Alex say. I turned around and looked at him. "Do you want to dance?"
"Of course."
We walked to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He had his around my waist. We danced slowly. I giggled. "This is the song that reminds you of me," I said with a smile. "Mhm."
"I love you, Bella," he said. "I love you more, Alex," I said.
"Isn't it weird?"
"What's weird?" I asked.
"That I hear someone say to me they love me," he said.
Wow, that was actually sad to hear.
"How is that weird?" I asked.
"I feel like you used to hear that every day," I said.
"I did, but I didn't hear someone say it when they actually meant it."
Ouch, I feel so bad for Alex. He went through a lot. He deserves happiness. He deserves everything good.
"But you..."
"You did, Bella."
"Mhm, and you also do. "
"Bella, I love everything about you."
"Your heart, your soul, every inch of you," I said.
"Absolutely everything."
Bella, I love everything about you.
Your heart, your soul, every inch of you.
Absolutely everything.
Oh, his words melt my heart every time. I love it. I love his beautiful and deep words.
"I love everything about you too, Alex."
"Your sweet lovely heart," I said. "My sweet lovely heart was made by you."
It was more like he had it, but I helped him show it. Alex always had a good heart, he was just too scared to show it.
I smiled so big that it almost hurt. "You created a new heart in me."
"It wasn't like that before you came."
I leaned forward kissing him. He kissed back.
We stopped dancing.
We let go of each other. Another song came on.
"Bella," Alice said. I turned around and looked at them. "Dance with us," Ava said. I giggled. "Alright," I said. I looked at Alex. "I'm leaving," I said playfully. He smirked. "Go and have fun."
I smiled and walked to the girls.
"Let's have fun," Ava said as she started to dance like crazy. I giggled. "You go girl," Alice said. "Can't you all marry tomorrow?" Ava asked.
"I want to party in a wedding, it's way more fun," Ava said. We all giggled. "Ava, why don't you just marry?"
"Oh, please, I have too many people to choose between so it's hard," she said. We laughed. "Ava is a girl boss," Clare said.
"She really is," I said.
Ava giggled. "Well, girls, the wedding is soon ending," I said. "Oh, boring," Ava said. "But I had fun a lot," she said. "That's good, Ava."
"But remember to marry you all," Ava said. I laughed. "I will remember that, Ava," Clare said.

I looked over at Alex. I walked to him:
He looked at me. "Sweetheart, it's time to leave now."
"Yes," I said.
Uncle came up to us. "Guys, I have to say that I had a lot of fun today, but now I'm going back to Los Angeles," he said. "Uncle, isn't that too early, aren't you going to stay here longer?" I asked. "No dear, I need to go back, I have much work back there."
"Oh alright, uncle," I said. "Thank you for coming," I said as I hugged him.
He hugged me back. We backed back.
"I need to go, my plane is leaving soon."
I nodded. "Goodbye," I said. "Goodbye," Alex said. "Goodbye," he said. "Bella, it's time for us to leave too," he said. I looked at him as I nodded.
I grabbed the flowers and the book. He wrapped his arm around my waist.
We slowly walked out of the hall while everyone followed us. We arrived at the car. It's a black limo. Alex opened the door. I got in. He got in too. The driver drove to his house. We looked at each other. "I can't believe we're married couples now," I said happily. He smirked. "Neither can I."
"You are now Bella Belinskij."
I smiled.
We arrived.
The driver opened the door. He got out. He took his hand out. I grabbed it. He helped me out. "Thank you, Alex."
He picked me bride style up. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
I giggled. He walked to the door. He opened the door and got in.
He walked up to his room. He laid me on the bed. He lay beside me. He kissed me. I kissed back. We backed back. "We should change," I said. "Mhm."
He got up. I got up too. I went to the bathroom. I changed into a light pink T-shirt and shorts. I walked out.
Alex is lying on the bed.
I went and lay on the bed.
He lay beside me. "Come here," he said as he opened his arms. I went and lay between his arms.
"I love you in a way I can never love anyone. You make my life worth living," he said as he kissed my forehead. I looked at him with a smile. "Your touch mends my broken heart and lights up my soul, and when your beautiful eyes land on mine, it lights up my whole life now and in the future," he said. His words are so beautiful. It's not only words, but it has deep meanings.
Your touch mends my broken heart and lights up my soul, and when your beautiful eyes land on mine, it lights up my whole life now and in the future.
"I love you," I said as I kissed his cheek.
"I love you, my angel," he said.

Some weeks later
Today is the day. We will know the gender of the baby. I can't wait. I'm so excited.
"Bella, are you ready!?" I heard Alex ask shouting from downstairs.
"Coming!" I shouted. I quickly fixed my hair before walking out of the room.
I started walking downstairs. He quickly ran up to me. He grabbed my hand. Aww, he is so sweet when he acts so cute.
"Be careful now," he said. We arrived downstairs. I giggled. "Thank you," I said.
We walked out. We got into the car.
He drove to the hospital.
"I'm so excited to know the gender," I said happily. "Me too," he said while focusing on the road.
We arrived. We walked out. We walked together into the hospital. We went and sat down. "I can't wait," I said happily. He smirked.
"Bella Belinskij," the nurse said. Alex smirked. We stood up. "Hey," she said with a smile. "Hey," I said with a smile. We got in. I lay on a bed. Alex sat on a chair. "Are you excited?" The nurse asked. "I'm so excited," I said. We both giggled.
The nurse started to do her job. We can see my stomach from inside on a small screen.
"Congratulations, it's a boy," she said. I gasped. No way. I'm going to have a boy. Oh, he will probably look a lot like Alex. I giggled happily. "Alex, we're having a boy," I said happily. "Yes," he said happily.
"Congratulations," the nurse said with a small smile. "Thank you so much," I said to her. "Do you guys want to hear his heartbeat?" She asked.
"We would love to," I said.
I'm so excited. It would be a lovely feeling.
The nurse looked back at the screen.
I heard the heartbeats. Oh, they are so cute. 
I giggled. "Oh," I said happily. The nurse giggled. We were then done.
I sat down. "Have a nice day," the nurse said with a smile. "Thank you, you too," I said with a smile. I stood up. He did too. We looked at each other with a smile.
"Let's go," he said. We walked out of the room.
We looked at each other. I giggled happily. He quickly hugged me. I hugged him back.
"Alex, his heartbeat is the cutest," I said.
"I know, it was lovely to listen to it," he said. "Oh, I can't wait to see him."
We backed back. He held my hand. I held his. We walked out together. We went to the car.

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