Chapter 21- Choke

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You and Hunter padded through the snow, admiring the sunset and the light it cast on the Boiling Isles.

Hunter's Palisman landed on his shoulder, cheeping at him.

You watched as his eyes widened, and you smiled.

"I- I think I understood that!" He mused, "is that your name?"

The Palisman cheeped again.

"Hm! Can you say anything else?" 

He looked over to you, looking for confirmation that he was not mad and the bird had indeed talked.

You shrugged, "I don't talk Palisman. But you must understand this one because..."

"You think he's my Palisman?" Hunter asked.

"Must be," you said, staring at the little bird.

"That's cool," he smiled, then bit his lip. "You can't get a Palisman- can you?"

You looked away, "No, but I have Corvus and he's close enough to being one."

Hunter nodded, taking your hand.

You swung your interlocked hands back and forth. 

"We got the key!" You sung.

"And we only went half mad to get it!" Hunter laughed.

You sighed, "Yeah, well, I enjoyed being insane with you."

He pulled your waist towards his, "That's good. But let's not do it again."

You nodded firmly. 

Back at the palace, you bathed and dressed.

Hunter had gone to Belos with the key, and upon return said he would be busy for the night.

You sat on your windowsill, feeding Corvus crumbs.

"Bud, do you want to come into the forest for a little fly?" You whispered, stroking his neck.

He cocked his head.

You laughed, "Not like last time, I'll walk down."

He cawed with validation, nibbling your fingers.

"C'mon then!" 

You slid down the stairs and out the back entrance, dodging scout's attention.

It was nearly pitch black, so you had brought a lantern.

The forest was eerie, the only natural light coming from the moon or the faintly bioluminescent mushrooms growing on the old trees.

You walked slowly, taking caution in where you stepped.

You could hear Corvus flying about the branches above, cawing at other night birds.

It didn't feel scary, or creepy, at all.

It felt peaceful, like the world was at peace. Or at least, the forest was.

Though you could hear rustles in nearby bushes, you paid no heed; they would be simple forest creatures, going about their nocturnal lives.

At least, that's what you told yourself. That's what you hoped they were.

You continued, muttering a tune under your breath.

Maybe, you should be scared. Looking back, you should've.

But you simply walked and sang, all fears quenched by Corvus' reassuring squawks and the amber light of your lantern.

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