○●~chapter 20~●○

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"Uhhh who are you?" He asks

"Let go of him"

"Heyyy dreeeaaamm I love you so much babe I wannamarry you and I cant wait forourtrip to Bahamas mamas and make out little dreamy kids UwU 😍😍😍😙😙😙😘😘😘🤩🤩🤩🤩🥵🥵🥵😏😏😏😩😩😩😩❤❤❤😻😻😻"
The shorter begins pulling him away.

"What the actual fuck. Who even are you" he responds.

"Toby-" the taller chases after them.

The smallittle bitch face fatass interrupts and says "HES MY BABY SUGAR DADDY UWU'' they yell all the way down the hall.

We were left alone in confusion.

"Okay then. Random crazy person. Anyway..I'm gonna go" I say and get up.

"Leaving so soon?" Schaltt asks.

"Yes. Now bye. I'm going to the restroom" I tell sapnap and karl.

At least that's what I told them.

I actually just hid behind a near wall, i was gonna see what schaltt says to them. Record it. And put it all over social media.

Humiliate him a bit.

I stand there and wait.

[Sapnap karl schaltt]

So uh..

Dont try to make small talk. We are waiting for Quackity and then we are leaving

Sap calm down

Jeez your rude. And he chose you over me?

I'm not abusive schaltt.

I was never abusive. Has that been what hes telling you?

Yes. And we both believe him. What's your problem?

I never laid a hand on him

He literally came to my house beat up and shaking. Saying that you did it. I watched you do that to him once and the only reason I didnt rearrange your face was cause he stopped me.

Sure sure.

I walk back into the lunchroom.

"Hey guys, let's go hang out with tubbo and them" I say. They both nod and stand up.

"Leaving for some freshmen?" Schaltt remarks.

"Yes." I say glaring at him. He rolls his eyes

We walk down the freshman hall and see that crazy person with dream agian.

"I literally do not know who you are!" Dream yells. The alex kid just leaning against the lockers laughing

"When should we get married? Oh I know! Today at 5pm!" The kid who's name is apparently toby says.

"Sapppnnnaapp! Get it off!!" Dream whines

"No this is absolutely hilarious" he responds.

"Dreammmnyyyyyyyyy" toby sings

"Your so fucking werid" alex says.

"Who even are you!?" Dream asks

"Your future lover😍😍😍" toby responds.

I look over to sapnap and whisper

"As fun as this is, we should go find our friends" sapnap nods.

We walk past the group.

"Guys? Guys wait please" dream cries out. Causing alex to burst out laughing.

We just walk away and look for tubbo. We eventually find him on the floor sitting with ranboo.

"And that's when I said- oh Hey Quackity!!" He greets. I sit next to him. Sapnap and karl following.

"Hey guys. What are you all talking about?" I ask. Ranboo begins talking

"He was telling me about how killer bees actually kill people and how his friend got stung by one and he was trying to plan a funeral"

"I dont think killer bees actually kill people" karl says

"No they do!" Tubbo says almost yelling it. Karl just nods.

"Tuubbboo! Big man!" Tommy yells from behind him.

Tubbo turns around. "Tommy! Hey!" He responds. Tommy sits down.

"So you three are gonna leave huh? You cant leave me here with purpled! I think he wants me dead" he whispers towards the end.

"Sorey big man. You'll have to deal with it" I reply

"Tommy purpled isnt that bad. So he tries to kill one or two people. It's not his fault" Sapnap says

"He can be a real dick sometimes and- wait what" Tommy stops mid-sentence.

Sapnap just shakes his head.

Karl gets he phone out and lays his head on my lap.

"Oh- hi" I say. He smiles at me and looks back at his phone. Sapnap leans on my shoulder.

"Ewwww stop being so lovey dovey" tommy says. Fake gagging.

This causes the rest of us to laugh.

After we calmed down we resumed talking and just hung out like for the rest of the day.


I am so sorry about the middle of the book. My friend wrote that I swear.


Love you<3

3rd times a charmHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin