The Lion Boy Prolouge

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Poseidon POV

I ran to the house, and threw open the door, just in time to see Sally's death as lightning struck the house. Zeus's doing."Mommy!" my son yelled, as tears flowed freely down his cheeks. Sally lay on the floor, her skin was burnt and black in some areas. Her hair was smoking. I knew she was gone. My son cried and stared at her broken figure. I scooped him up, my eyes were watering, and my tears mingled with my sons. I loved Sally. I truly did. More than I loved any woman of any of my other affairs. I loved her more than Amphitrite. And now she was dead. Percy continued to cry. What could I do with him? As I was pondering this there was a bright flash of godly light. As it cleared it turned out the light was not in fact godly but titanly.

"Mother?" I asked and inspected her, she looked well and her usual lion flanked her.

"Yes Poseidon, it's me. I have been watching over young Perseus, and I have found he is worthy of my blessing." My jaw nearly hit the floor,

"A-Are you sure? You have never blessed a hero before, much less a mortal." My mother smiled,

"Yes, I have never seen a heart so pure. He is worthy." She gently took my son out my arms. She placed her hand on his forehead, and a soft, pulsing white light surrounded them. As soon as it was there, it was gone again, and Percy appeared to be sleeping. "My blessing has tired him. Go now, and take him to Warm Hearths Orphanage. Hes- I mean the director will take good care of him." She turned to flash out but I asked her one thing before she left,

"What does your blessing do to him?" She smiled mysteriously at me,

"You will see." She said, and then was gone.


I carried my sleeping son to the gates of the orphanage. Healthy children smiled and laughed on the steps. It was a startling change from my depressed mood. I bring him in, set him down, and walk away. Orphanages don't take those who aren't orphans, and my Percy certainly wasn't. Tears made tracks down my face as I walked away from my only memory of Sally.

A/N: So first part! I've already started on the second part. Rhea will play a large part in this story BTW. Her character had always interested me so I wanted to make a story where she is important. Anybody who has read Percy Jacksons Greek Gods knows where I'm going with this whole lion thing. I promise Hestia and action is coming up. *cough cough* blessings *cough cough*

Your Fellow Demigod,

Isa Rivers

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