I Still Love Camping, But Now I'll Never Think of it the Same Way

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Hi everyone! Back with another thing that happened in real life, but this time it's a bit scarier than some of the other real life experiences that have happened recently.

So this happened in early September of 2020 when the weather was still warm, and also it was on my 10th birthday. I had just gotten a tent for my birthday, and me and my sister were going to bring each of our tents out onto my deck and sleep outside. Everything was going well, I was just drawing with the light of my iPad shining onto the paper so that I could see what I was doing. It's about one in the morning now, and I hear scratching outside of my tent. Right outside. I get a bit scared, but just mistake it for a sound in my brain because it's late. I continue drawing just to hear it again. I'm more scared now, and at that moment my heart drops when I hear my dog from my sister's tent begin to let out a low, threatening growl. Now I know that this is reality. Terrified, I try to open my iPad and go to Messanger as quick as possible so that I can contact my mom, who's just inside. I end up sending the message successfully, and then I feel a wave of relief wash through me as I notice the squeaky sound of the sliding door open. The scratching on the deck is gone now, and I move back inside. My mom thinks that it was simply a raccoon, but it sounded way too big to be that. I have no idea what it was, but one thing I do know is that we don't just have raccoons in the area, we also have cougars.

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