Hello Neighbor Spider-Man Dream RETURNS

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I've had these reoccurring dreams, the first one is in chapter two of this book. I've had four so far, and there are probably more to come! I had this one in late April 2021, I'm pretty sure. It's related to the other Spider-Man Hello Neighbor chase guy dream XD.

So basically what happened in this one, was I was in a big rectangular room. It had a hot tub on one side of it, on the right side of the room. On the far left side, there was a turn, like a different section of the room except it was really small and basically in the same room. At the end of that turn, there was a door, which was just black inside. The room was shaped EXACTLY like my grandma's place (she lives downstairs in my house), except all the furniture was gone (and there was a hot tub), and the door where you come in from upstairs (on the other side of the hot tub) wasn't there. It wasn't my grandma's place in the dream, just a room where people got to go in a hot tub. The lights were dim, like in my other dream. I remember that in the dream I could somehow tell it was a hot day, even though I couldn't see outside. All the walls and the ceiling were painted black, made out of smooth cement, and the floor was made out of dark, reddish-brown, polished wood planks. That hallway that just has darkness inside of it, it somewhat gave me déjà vu.

The room was honestly a really nice place, and I was in the hot tub, hanging out with a friend but I forget which one. In my DREAM, I was telling my friend about the crazy Spider-Man dream I had, because in reality, I love to tell people that story if they haven't heard it, it's honestly just a funny and creepy at the time story. But I'm telling my friend about the DREAM in the DREAM! As soon as I get to the part where the Spider-Man guy speed-walks toward me, something REALLY unsettling happens. You know when you're in a dream, your vision just zooms somewhere even though you're not going there, sort of like a video game cut scene? That happened to me. I'm literally getting chills writing this and my room isn't even cold. My vision zoomed to that turn and the doorway that was just black. I had intense dark vibes building up in my mind - not any dark vibes, the specific kind of vibe I have; the Spider-Man Hello Neighbor Vibe, one I LOVE and hate. This was a time where I hated it, terrified of it. I could hear the Spider-Man Hello Neighbor BUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUM playing in the background that played in the other dream, the first dream! The thing that played when the Hello Neighbor Spider-Man guy walked toward me in the first dream! I somehow KNEW it was the Hello Neighbor Spider-Man guy, no doubt! I was terrified! I forced myself to wake up before the Spider-Man Hello Neighbor guy appeared. It was really terrifying.

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