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So this happened to my dad before I was born, but my big sister was a toddler, so I'm guessing it was in like 2007 or something. A lot of funny things happened in that time, like my big sister stealing popcorn from a vending machine and sneaking in an elevator because she was like 1 or 2 and she lived in an apartment back then.

So, my dad was home alone in the apartment, watching a scary movie called The Ring, he was watching the Japanese version for some reason. There's a scene in it (I haven't seen it but my dad told me) where basically these girls watch a video that's a few minutes and it's full of disturbing imagery and stuff like that. After the girls watch the video they get a phone call saying "seven days..." but in the Japanese version the phone is just quiet, the phone call means they will die in 7 days. After my dad finished the scene, right around the part with the phone call THE PHONE IN THE APARTMENT LITERALLY RANG. He answered it and it was no joke silent. He waited for a minute then called my mom and the whole family, telling them to stop pranking him, but they all insisted they did nothing and had no idea he was watching The Ring, and my mom does NOT lie like that. He didn't really believe them, and this was back when you couldn't go back to the number to see who called, so he called the person who worked at the phone community whatever it is and asked them who just called. This part is REALLY disturbing. The people at the phone company insisted they weren't going to tell him that.

This story is claimed to be true by my parents, and they wouldn't just lie like that.

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