I lifted a hand and released a few shots of smoke at the two, hitting their chests and knocking the wind out of them. Before I could react, one of the Twins grabbed my hand and I had about two seconds to recognize the gorilla form they were in before I took a punch to the face.

My mask cracked almost immediately. It wasn't exactly made for fighting, let alone someone with the literal strength of a gorilla.

Luckily, it held together, and I ripped my arm from his grip. I let a large blast of smoke go off in his face, sending him flying backward, coughing, and a little singed.

The other twin rushed forward. Black cat ears and a tail gave away a feline-type ability and I leaned to the side to try and avoid a swipe from some rather scary claws, but I was a split second too late and felt a slight sting across my chest.

I took a few steps back, smoke and embers leaked from the gashes in my chest and the wound on my head from the Hammer earlier. "Real heroic teaming up six on one—" I turned into smoke as high-pressure water cannoned through where my chest just was.

I took flight to the next rooftop and solidified, running and jumping across the rooftops to try and create distance. "I can't take much more of this." I coughed and groaned in pain. "The fight barely started and I'm taking too much damage."

I jumped to another rooftop and turned in time for another blast of water to hit my leg, punching a hole in the jeans and feeling like a blunt object slamming into my thigh, making me roll and fall off the roof.

"Son of a-" For a third time I changed into smoke and booked it away from them. I don't have enough experience with these powers for a direct confrontation with multiple enemies. I hardly paid attention as I flew through the streets.

My stamina gave out and I was forcefully solidified and hit the ground rolling, gravel flinging everywhere as I took a minute to breathe. "These psychopaths...so much for not killing me. This shit sucks!" I looked around and noticed I was in a cargo yard, I slipped into the dark shadows the crates casted and took a breather.

Only a few minutes later, the Geomancer was the first to arrive, using a large boulder to float at a high speed. They dropped and looked around the yard suspiciously. That's a mistake.

I fired more smoke shots from the dark and ran at them. The shots hit with some force so they were knocked off balance before I tackled the hero. "Sorry," I muttered. I clasped my hands together into one fist and started slamming it into their face.

Once. Twice. Three times. I pulled away, their face was bloody and I think a tooth was missing, but they were knocked out. Levia could heal them, sure, but she can't get them to wake up.

I turned and ran back through the long corridors of crates as the rest arrived. Hammer Fists was the next to chase after me.

"No, wait! If you fight him alone you'll—" Douse tried to warn him but I just flipped the guy, off to taunt him.

"What's wrong? Is Douse your mother now or something? You can't do anything she doesn't want you to do? Is THAT how she's running this city as the new top hero?"

I lead him through the cargo yard, turning every so often. He was deceptively fast and I had to twist my body a few times to avoid his swings. He'd put dents in the containers and send dust and gravel everywhere. I turned the corner away from him and instead of just gathering smoke and firing it off I held it.

I gathered in more and more and compacted it and in the minute it took for him to turn the corner I had a sickly black ball of smoke, embers shooting out erratically. He skidded to a stop and looked at me. "Wait..hold on let's talk—" I frowned.

Twisted (Male Reader x Super Hero Harem)Where stories live. Discover now