The Helper

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No one's POV
Something shifted in the air as a ball of pure light crashed down in front of Akari and Xion, missing them just by a few feet. The edge of Akari's lip quirked up, knowing that his objective to distract the Organization and help save some of them was carefully being completed. He felt that his master was near by, even if it felt like a small pull of a rope. Dust and dirt covered the whole area. As the dust settled down, a young voice was heard among the brown clouds. "Hands off my friends" the voice said, sternly. Xemnas, surprisingly, gasped at the realization of who hid among the clouds of dust. "It cannot be!" Xemnas said as his heavy voice paused at what he thought was impossible. The dust finally dispersed revealing a cloaked figure, wielding two keyblades. His cloak was black, like those worn by the members of Organization XIII. On his left hand was a silvery keyblade with a sparkling dark blue star shaped tip. Adorned with yellow along the star's tips. Light green wings exalted the blades handle. On his right hand, was the exact opposite, a black keyblade with a blunt tip and dark bat wings adorning the handle. The only material in the blade not tainted black was a bright purple gem connecting both wings. The figure raised his right arm and pulled off the hood that hid his identity. Letting it fall along his blonde locks of hair.
(A/N: Just like the game, imagine the camera view from behind him until his face is revealed)
With it was a face that greatly resembled that of Ventus'. Yet his dark blue eyes frowned towards the members of the Organization. Lea seemed thrilled looking at his friend once more, letting not only a small gasp and a smile loose from his lips, but also his friend's name. "Roxas!" Lea said happily as he saw his long lost friend. Roxas turned his head to the left. Looking past Akari's shoulder and towards Lea. Roxas smiled. (This angered a certain blue haired man with an 'X' shaped scar above his nose. His fist clenched as anger and feelings of abandonment surfaced through). Roxas simply then turned back towards the Organization. "You arrived just at the right time" Akari said. Roxas now turned his head rightward to look at Akari and a hurt Xion. His first thought was to go and help her, but once he saw that this wielder was actually protecting Xion, he relaxed. "Roxas..." Xion said, sweetly yet pained by her hurt leg. Roxas smiled her way before his eyes locked again with Akari. "So your the guy..he showed us, the one keeping the Organization at bay all alone. Heh, I have to thank you for keeping them safe" Roxas said. Akari looked at Xion only to see her showing a shy smile. He knew her leg hurt, but a part of him deep down was glad she was alright. "I didn't know I was already getting some fans" he chuckled, "But really, no need to thank me. Keeping you safe is what matters the most" Akari said, part of his carefree mood coming back after Roxas' arrival. Roxas nodded at his response, refocusing his attention towards the enemies ahead. "This is impossible. Where did you get a vessel?" Xemnas said demanding a response from Roxas. "Same as you" Roxas responded. "Same how...?" Xemnas asked. "Most of the Organization's members— they traveled here from the past as hearts. And you had replicas ready and waiting. One for each of them" Roxas said. "Who told you?" Xemnas asked. "I owe my return to many. Some of them people you knew" Roxas said. Xemnas' face contorted now understanding part of the truth. "Ansem the Wise, Zexion..." Xemnas said. "And others, too. Like my new ally behind me (referring to Akari). It seems you're not as good at winning over people's hearts as you think" Roxas interrupted. "Ah, I see..." Xemnas said, an unsettling smirk forming on his face. "There was one last thing I needed in order to be whole again. A connection. Sora helped me find my way back here... to my friends" Roxas said. "I don't need hearts. I will scatter them all to the winds!" Xemnas said, aching to fight and prove the wielders of light that he was right. "No. You won't. You have fought with my new ally up until now and you have failed. But now, it's My turn" Roxas said pointing his right key towards Xemnas. A frown clearly plastered upon his face.

 A frown clearly plastered upon his face

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