Demyx Time!

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Demyx POV

So, I opened one of these portal things outside the massive graveyard of keys and peaked my head out

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So, I opened one of these portal things outside the massive graveyard of keys and peaked my head out. I REAAALLY did not want to walk blindly into one of their battles. Me being in a top secret mission and all. I can't let the top dogs know what I'm doing here. And...

Imagine my surprise when, instead of seeing a full on war, I see this guy fighting at, two, three, four... *Actually counting with his fingers*... ten of the thirteen members?!?! YOOO!! That's crazy! Look at the moves on this guy! How is he even doing this!? Now that I think about it..I have never seen that guy before. I wonder, did Xez-Umm, Ienzo send him?.. Nah, he would have mentioned him. Argh, this is too much thinking. I wanna keep watching the fight!

After a few moments of watching I heard a thud behind me. I quickly turned thinking it was the old man himself. I saw a glimpse of a dark skinned man and I swore, that I WAS SCREWED!!!
When I finally saw the man, he wasn't who I thought. His skin was like the old man's, but it wasn't him. He was tall and had black curly hair. I liked his haircut because it was faded on the sides! I wonder if he copied them from me...
He was wearing a sleeveless gray robe with black lines on its edges. A strange metal band on his right bicep. Black pants and boots. He wore fingerless gloves.. Nice! He was also pretty muscular. Which was sort of..threatening.

He walked towards me and stood right beside me, looking towards the battle. He grinned and let out a chuckle. "So he's finally taking the battle seriously. I wonder what happened to make him do this" the man said as I looked back towards the battle. He then stayed silent and looked at the fight and, personally, I didn't like that he was kinda ignoring me. I bent forward a little bit thinking he might not have noticed me.. He just crossed his arms and looked at the battle with a serious face. 'This guy's ignoring me!' I thought to myself. As he stood to my right, I just looked at him. Stomping my left foot on the ground and with both my arms to my waist...


I had enough! I waved my hand in front of his face, "Hellooo! And you are...?" I asked, making him blink by the sudden interruption. He looked at me and smiled. "Oh! Sorry that I didn't say anything to you Demyx" he said scratching the back of his head. I blinked at the sudden mention of my name. "Huh?! You know who I am?!" I said. He nodded still smiling at me. "Yeah..well, at least you're Nobody name. Not the real one, but it counts" he said. 'This guy knows I'm a Nobody...' I thought. He looked back at the battlefield ahead in the distance, hiding his fanged smile with a toothless one. "I see that my apprentice, is giving them a hard time..Good!" He said placing both hands on his hips. 'Apprentice?! This guy looks waaay too young to be a master. He's basically my age, maybe'. "A-Apprentice?!" I asked him. "And old friend of mine" he replied. I glanced at the battle ahead once more, seeing the guy battling the members show some sick moves as he fought them. "So, are you with Xezi-I mean, Ienzo?" I asked the man besides me. "Yeah you could say that" he responded. "Ah man! I thought he trusted me! First I was benched from the Organization and now they sent a babysitter to watch that I do my job correctly!" I wined knowing what it meant. He raised his arm and patted me on the back. "Oh Demyx, don't think like that! Of course he trusts you. I'm just.. looking out for a friend. You should give yourself more credit" he said. That actually made me feel better. It's not that I felt bad about knowing he was with Ienzo, but I liked what he said.

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