Chapter Thirty-Seven: Family Pt III

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It took quite some time for (Y/n) to recover after hearing the passing of his mother and father. Quite sudden as it was, (Y/n) wouldn't be the same after that. When (Y/n) awoke, he found himself being admired by his fiancé with their baby in between them. The fluffy white rabbit between them rested peacefully upright and curled neatly into a ball. A smile broke on Kate's face when she found herself making eye contact with her beloved (Y/n).

"Hi," he croaked hoarsely from the crying he made previously.

"Hey. You okay now?" Kate responded with a hushed voice.

(Y/n) nodded his head slowly with his eyes closed before resetting them on his soulmate. His smile was weak and tender but full of the love he had for her. Alice awoke and noticed her owner and her lover drawing their attention onto her. Kate brushed her hand lightly up and down Alice's back which made the rabbit lie on her side so that her back was facing (Y/n). 

This made Kate giggle at how cutely Alice behaved. (Y/n) looked up and reached his arm out towards Kate's nightstand where his camera sat. After a few seconds of strain, he finally grabbed ahold of it and relaxed, aiming the camera above his head with the lens pointed down at them. The pair smiled when the flash went off and the photo came out. Kate pinched it between her index and thumb and shook it for a few seconds before showing them the result. 

"I think I blinked," (Y/n) witted. 

Kate snorted and sat up to look at him. "Did you want to go back downstairs and finish breakfast?" 

"Okay." (Y/n) agreed immediately.

Taking Alice with her, Kate, (Y/n) and Alice all headed downstairs where (Y/n) was checked on by Kate's parents and sisters, all of whom were ready for going out. As everyone made their way out of the house, John locked up while Kate and (Y/n) made their way over to his car. He even brought Alice's cage as a precaution they needed to put the fluffy bunny somewhere they knew she would be safe and sound.

In spite of how cool it was outside, (Y/n) still put the window down and drove off into town for the general stores. The drive was fairly long but a fast one due to the surprising lack of traffic on the road. As they began to near their destination, Kate slipped Alice into her cage and left her window down a bit to allow an air flow to circulate, lest her poor baby die from the heat.

When the rest of Kate's family arrived, (Y/n) watched them park and get out before they headed into a clothes store. The young couple were always attached to one another, so when they were inside the store, Kate was mostly looking for clothes that would suit her (Y/n/n). However, the only moment they weren't together was when Kate had to go into the change room. In the absence of his girlfriend, (Y/n) stood aimlessly inside the store. 

He leaned against the nearest wall and bowed his head, waiting patiently for his girlfriend to try on the clothes she and (Y/n) picked out for her. With each dress Kate put on, she walked out and displayed it to (Y/n), in hopes of seeing whether her choice of clothing was of his liking. What Kate came to notice was the lack of enthusiasm from her fiancé. Even if he tried playing it off, there was no way he would've been able to hide it from Kate, let alone the rest of her family. 

"(Y/n)?" A soft feminine voice sang out, capturing the brown-haired boy's attention. 

Looking up, (Y/n) was reintroduced to somebody he once knew from back home in Chicago. A girl with jet black hair approached (Y/n) and greeted him sourly due to the history they shared. The loathsome stare from the girl discouraged any thought of parlay from (Y/n)'s mind as he was instilled with guilt and fear. 

"Hi, Maisey. What brings you here?" (Y/n) greeted her with a soft and cautious voice. 

The girl tightened her jaw, ready to spit venom at him for the agony she was caused nearly three years ago. (Y/n) knew one day their confrontation would unfold. Now that (Y/n) was in the moment facing Maisey off, he could only dread what would happen if Kate overheard them. 

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