Chapter Twenty-Five: If You Can Dodge A Wrench

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At the end of the school day, (Y/n) and Kate resided in her room studying and completing homework. Kate let Alice out of her cage to stretch better by roaming around her room for a short while. (Y/n) sat on his girlfriend's bed, leaning against the bedframe and the wall, staring at his phone while the dirty-haired blonde girl sat between his legs with her head rested on his stomach, peacefully in slumber.

(Y/n) looked away from his phone and turned his attention to his girlfriend by touching and playing with her hair. He massaged her scalp and laid kisses on the top of her head where the sweet scent of her hair made his heart tingle. The need for attention easily caught Kate's attention, where she was woken up by (Y/n) touching her.

"What's up, love?" Kate asked softly.

"Cuddles." (Y/n) whined.

She chuckled to herself and sat up where they changed positions so that they were fully lying down with (Y/n) half laid on top of Kate, her hands rubbed slowly up and down his back until he felt tired himself that he quickly fell asleep. Kate smiled at the sight of her tired boyfriend and placed a kiss on the top of his head before she too slept the night off.


To find himself waking up along in bed worried (Y/n) until he realised his religious girlfriend was kneeling on the side of the bed with her hands together and her eyes shut, her lips moved but no audible words came out. When (Y/n) rolled over, he instantly realised that she was submitting a morning prayer to her God. At the conclusion if her prayer, Kate opened her eyes and set them on (Y/n), who in turn she caught staring at her as she prayed.

"I hope you're sending God a prayer for me because I'm glad He answered my prayers." (Y/n) flirted, his voice came out as lazy and quiet.

Kate stifled laughter and bowed her head. She quickly composed herself and put Alice back in her cage before she informed (Y/n) that she was going to take a shower. To fill out the silence in his girlfriend's absence, (Y/n) put on some music and stared his head around - but not enough that it would give him a headache - as he jumped up on Kate's bed and jumped and danced.

He didn't quite realise how much fun he was having as by the time Kate got back, she was gobsmacked. When (Y/n) realised that he wasn't alone, he smiled at Kate and stopped jumping on her bed and extended his hand out to her, asking her to join him. Hesitantly, Kate glanced at his hand, biting down on her bottom lip until she gave in and grabbed ahold of it for (Y/n) to hoist her up with him.

The two marvelled in dance and song as the music they thrived to made them breathless to the point that forfeited their fun to go out and have breakfast and go to the library before their ten o'clock lesson. It had come to (Y/n)'s attention that people were acting nicer and more friendly towards Kate which was something he found all too suspicious. He was able to take his mind off things when they took up a spot in the library and did whatever to pass the time.

Out of the blue, (Y/n) came forward with a question Kate wasn't prepared for. "Hey babe, have you thought about getting a job? Like part-time?"

Kate looked up with curiosity written across her face. Her train of thought was lost now that she had her attention brought onto her boyfriend's question. She pondered about the idea but came to the conclusion that she hadn't thought properly about it as she preferred to contemplate a full-time job.

"Well, no. I haven't." Kate answered honestly. "Why are you asking me this?"

(Y/n) shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I just thought you might want to find something to do when we graduate."

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