Chapter Five: Learning And Loving

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The students of Blackwell Academy were very keen to have two days off school. It was early the next morning when Kate got up early once again to brush her teeth. She looked up in the mirror and saw how miserable she looked, then realised how horrible she thought she looked yesterday for not doing anything to improve her appearance for her date yesterday. 

She drew toothpaste on her favourite toothbrush and began to scrub her teeth when she heard the door to the girls bathroom open. Her hand subconsciously brushed her teeth for a solid minute and a half when she realised she was no longer alone. Kate's heart dropped in her chest as soon as she heard the door open but when she turned her head to look at who join her, she felt at ease upon realising it was Max in her company. 

"Hey Kate, how are you doing?" Max greeted the dirty-haired blonde with a sweet and gentle tone as if she were afraid of using a firmer one to scare her. 

"I'm here. Thanks again for standing up for me yesterday. I needed that." Kate replied gratefully. 

"Anytime. That guy has issues." 

"Doesn't everybody here? Well, I don't suppose 'everybody'- everybody. The only people here who are really sweet to me are you, Warren, Alyssa, Stella and (Y/n)." 

Max grinned upon hearing her mention the new boy in their photography class. Kate didn't directly notice it but when her hazel eyes caught onto Max's blue eyes, she blushed madly. 

"I heard from a little bird that you and (Y/n) went out last night. So... how was your date?" Max teased as a huge grin spread across her face. 

Coyly, Kate stuttered, incapable of getting clear words out until Max reassured her that she wasn't going to do anything harmful to her, but rather was curious and supportive of her decision to go on a date with (Y/n). 

"He was really sweet. Such a gentleman. We talked about stuff, got to know each other better. About as you'd expect going on a date." Kate responded bashfully. 

"I'm happy for you. Truly." 

"Thanks Max. By the way, do you still have my copy of The October Country?" 

"Oh yes, of course. It's great so far. I didn't realise Bradbury was such a poet. Why, did you want it back?" 

"Yes please. I just need it to take some notes for class." 

"Absolutely. I'll bring it by later. Oh, and Kate? You look beautiful. I'm glad to see (Y/n) makes you happy. He could be the one, you know." 

"Oh, stop it Max. I'll talk to you later." 

Ducking into a shower stall, Max pulled on the curtain and bathed herself while Kate concluded her business brushing her teeth. It was at that moment when Victoria and her friend, Taylor, entered the bathroom and mocked Kate further. As a result, Kate stormed out of the bathroom with tears threatening to run down her cheeks. Kate didn't pay attention to where she was walking when she left her room, which resulted in her bumping into (Y/n) on her way back. 

"Ow," they both yelped. 

"Oh my God. Kate! Are you alright?" (Y/n) asked concerningly as he touched her arms. 

The dirty-haired blonde winced but shook off the pain as she and (Y/n) made eye contact. "I-I'm okay, (Y/n). Are you okay? Oh dear. You got a bump on your forehead. Poor thing. I'm so sorry. I should've been paying attention to where I was going." 

"No, Kate. Don't blame yourself. It was totally my fault." 

"Are you sure? Because I--" 

(Y/n) was unable to contain the joy he felt spring within him as Kate rambled about how it was her fault he got hurt, but by the time she realised he wasn't saying anything and just staring at her, her face flushed red once more. 

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